Today, within the confines of the Salon des Maires de France, no less than two ministers gathered to relaunch discussions within the framework of the Beauvau des Police Municipales.
If there is great expectation in the ranks of the 28,000 municipal police officers and rural guards regarding the improvement of remuneration or retirement conditions, it is clear from the side of elected officials and the government that the priorities are not the same.
From mid-January, the consultation will be relaunched with five Beauvau planned, the first in the Rhône, the following in Pas-de-Calais, Pays-de-la-Loire, in Île-de-France and finally in Grand-Est region, will add to this a specific date in the Overseas Territories. With a conclusion at the Ministry of the Interior around April 3.
If Minister DARAGON gave a proactive and ambitious speech, opening up a wide range of possibilities. At the same time, he constantly reminded throughout that he was attached to the free administration of local authorities and that consequently he would not impose anything on mayors, whether in in terms of weapons, equipment, or even the extension of skills.
Faced with this, agents' expectations are high and it is no longer time to procrastinate. We must quickly take concrete action to improve our careers, our advancements, our salaries and our pensions.
For the FA-FPT Municipal Police, the smallest increase in our prerogatives cannot be accepted without obtaining social and salary advances.
Symbolically, the organization of this Beauvau at the heart of the assembly of Mayors of France will only make sense if our demands are heard.
The FA-FPT Municipal Police will fully engage in these discussions by bringing forward the sector's demands, in accordance with the demands list adopted last month in Canet en Roussillon.
Fabien GOLFIER and Jean-Michel WEISS, National Secretaries FA-FPT in charge of the Municipal Police
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