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Two dolphins saved on the island of Oléron • La Rochelle info

Thursday, June 27, at the beginning of the afternoon two dolphins were returned to the water safe and sound, three hours after their presence was reported on the coast.
A rescue mobilized the teams of the Community of communes of the island of Oléron.

Following the alert given to Pelagis by the Moëze-Oléron Nature Reserve and the Fort Royer association concerning the stranding of several dolphins at Fort Royer mid-morning, the natural spaces service team of the community of communes , Pelagis relay on Oléron, was able to quickly intervene to remove two young adult common dolphins from the mud.

The two dolphins rescued from the mud. Document community of communes of the island of Oléron.

The two marine mammals were then able to be taken care of by the firefighters of the SDIS 17 to be put back into the water offshore. The firefighters from the sea and the teams present from the land were able to check in the area that no other dolphins had been stranded knowing that around fifteen dolphins had been observed before the discovery of the two stranded specimens.


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