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In St-Etienne de Mer Morte, we are ready to celebrate the firefighters of all of Loire-Atlantique


Laurent Renon

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 4:46 p.m.

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This 126th edition of Loire-Atlantique firefighters congress was almost postponed due to the organization of early legislative elections. This was without taking into account the strength of conviction of the organizers of the Choltière fire and rescue centersupported by the Departmental Union.

After more than two years of preparing these ceremonies and festivities, it was not possible to find a new date and remobilize nearly 200 volunteers. It will be this Saturday, June 29, 2024, in the heart of the town of Saint-Etienne de Dead Sea.

A historic first

“This had never been organized in our communities,” he emphasizes. Jerome Baril, the president of the congress being part of the 34 elements of the local barracks. The Saint-Etienne and Paulx centers merged in 2019 and this was not necessarily easy with Covid. This event provides a great opportunity to unite the troops. We also wanted to share this day with the residents of the two towns. »

The Choltière firefighters therefore added a festive aspect to close the congress with two concerts, a country meal and fireworks.

And for Olivier Barilthe head of the center who will soon hand over to Didier Bonin :

The congress allows us to promote the activity of firefighters and to recruit, because we are always looking for people to strengthen the workforce.

Olivier Baril, center manager
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Some volunteers have more than 20 years of experience behind them and would like to pass on the torch.

A “big challenge”

Selected by the Departmental Union, the La Choltière center, one of the smallest in the department, was keen to take on this “big challenge”, a true showcase of the expertise of the firefighters. A general mobilization was launched and volunteers from the local associative fabric responded, as did family members strongly involved in this adventure.

Coordinated by Jérôme Baril and Benjamin Béchaudpresident of the association, the day must follow a very scrupulously planned schedule. All divided into very specific tasks, the La Choltière firefighters will not be able to take part in the parade through the streets of the town, scheduled for 11:30 a.m., with all the firefighters and the full range of vehicles used by these services, from ambulances to turntable ladders.

Only six representatives from the local centre will have the honour of taking part in the flag guard, a tradition for which they have trained twice a week in recent months.

Spectacular entertainment for the general public

The morning will be devoted to the official times of the congress: 9:30 a.m., speeches at the school restaurant; 10:30 a.m., trip to the war memorial and laying of wreaths; 11 a.m., official ceremony with review of staff and passing of the flag; 11:30 a.m., the parade leaving from the parking lot of the Salle des Vallées. All will be accompanied by the musical harmonies of La Stéphanoise and Saint-Michel.

From noon to evening, snacking will be offered on the site located behind the gym. With many activities open to the public throughout the afternoon. You will be able to watch maneuvers by a Loire-Atlantique crew, world champion in extrication, or the interventions of young firefighters on a fire or a road accident. Not forgetting a demonstration of drones from the departmental fire and rescue service.

Meetings with firefighter enthusiasts

Inside the sports hall, former firefighters from the area will present an exhibition on the history of the two centers now united. It will be possible to talk with a novelist who writes about firefighters, collectors of regimental maids, toy soldiers or miniature cars or even with a craftsman who transforms fire hoses into belts. The Department’s barrel car will also be present, as well as a first aid initiation stand.

Children can have fun with an inflatable castle or in a course designed by the firefighters in one of their exercise chambers. And from 7 p.m., time for a country meal and concerts Rock Bottom et The Playfull. Before finishing in style at 11:30 p.m. with fireworks.

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