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LE CREUSOT: Creusot Défi 2000 continues to adapt and diversify its training

Indeed Thibaud Surivet, director of CD 2000 and Mickaël Sarrazin, educator trainer and BAFA manager, continue to explore to open new horizons.

Yves Soubirant, president of CD 2000 and all those present Wednesday evening at the Maison des Associations Mouillelongue had a thought for Bernard Labouré, “the Ben” who died on June 12. He was a very great rugby player but also a very active member as a facilitator of many training courses at CD 2000 and a member of the Board of Directors.

The research work carried out by Thibaud and Mickaël has borne fruit and has made it possible to close the year with a positive budget. During the activity report, Thibaud and Mickaël presented in detail the various training courses, their description and the targeted jobs: the BP JEPS APT (physical activities for all), the CP JEPS, the Complementary Certificate for Directors of Collective Reception of Minors, the specialization certificate “Aid for maintaining the autonomy of the person” and the BAFA. As for the BAFA, since October 2022, it has been accessible to young people aged 16 or over on the first day of training. The BAFA training consists of 2 theoretical sessions and a practical internship. Each year, a partnership with the city of Montceau allows 10 young people to have access to the training in return for hours worked in the city’s various collective reception centers for minors. The partnership with the town of Breuil continues with the establishment of a BAFA scholarship, taking charge of the financing of two young people.

The development of these various partnerships is proof of the real need for the existence of BAFA training in the community territory.

CD 2000 is also involved in supervising physical and sports activities in areas as varied as integration through sport with local missions and second chance schools in Montceau and Chalon, or Sport Santé interventions in EHPADs, in the diabetology department and for individual fitness and health diagnostics. Interventions in schools have been very successful with 6-session learning cycles in Torcy, Saint-Bérain-sur-Dheune, Essertenne, Les Bizots, Marizy and Broye. A sports school as part of city contracts in Torcy has been in place for several years. Baby Gym takes place twice a week in Fontaines. CD 2000 also intervenes at Bel Été in Torcy and at l’Été du Lac in Montceau.

Finally, the “Colos Apprenantes” and the “Educasport stays” made it possible to organize 3 stays at the Laives campsite in 2023 with 24 children for each course. In 2024, a stay at the Laives campsite with 24 children and a second in a gîte in Mont-Saint-Vincent with 20 children from the Champ-Cordet school were organized. Two stays are also planned during this summer at the Laives campsite.

Thanks were extended to private partners as well as institutional partners, the BFC Region, the Department, the CUCM, the commune of Grand Autunois Morvan, the Charolais community of communes, the towns of Le Creusot, Montceau, Autun, Torcy, Le Breuil, the Mission Locale and the 2nd Chance school. The municipality of Le Creusot was represented by Moumen Achou, deputy delegate for Sport and the aquatic complex.



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