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“Honorary” head of the armed forces: Marine Le Pen calls on Emmanuel Macron “to reread the Constitution”

Marine Le Pen reiterates. In an interview with Télégramme published on Wednesday, the outgoing president of the RN group in the National Assembly estimated that “chief of the armies, for the president, it is an honorary title”, suggesting that Emmanuel Macron would not be at the helm. maneuver on defense issues in the event of his party’s election. An exit which provoked strong reactions from the majority and its allies.

Asked about her remarks Friday morning on Europe 1/CNews, Marine Le Pen qualified but persisted. “Emmanuel Macron must reread the Constitution,” she declared, specifying that, “in reality” the question was “did Jordan Bardella go beyond his potential prerogatives, if he is Prime Minister, by saying that he would not send soldiers on the ground in Ukraine?”, while Emmanuel Macron refused to exclude this option.

For the finalist of the presidential election, “the Constitution allows it since it is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to send or not armed troops. It is article 20 of the Constitution, the government has the armed forces”, saying “she is surprised that the President of the Republic does not know it”.

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Dual-national “fervent patriots”

Marine Le Pen also reacted to the comments of outgoing RN MP Roger Chudeau, who said on BFMTV on Thursday that a member of the government could not be binational because this posed a “problem of dual loyalty”, taking the example of the former Minister of Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Franco-Moroccan, whose appointment was “a mistake” according to him.

On Europe 1/CNews Friday morning, Marine Le Pen “disavowed” the elected official. “I am a little stunned that our colleague can express an opinion that is personal to him but which is totally contrary to the project of the National Rally,” she explained.

“Countries like Congo, Japan, Austria and Ukraine prohibit dual nationality with a non-European nationality,” she continued, explaining that her party had “considered this solution in the past” but “I gave up on it several years ago,” assured Marine Le Pen. “I realized that dual nationals felt a form of suspicion of disloyalty towards France and I found that deeply unfair,” she justified herself.

“Love for one’s country, the sacrifices one is prepared to make for it, do not depend on having or not having dual nationality,” she also stressed, adding that there are “an awful lot of fervent patriots who have dual nationality”.

The RN, the frontrunner in Sunday’s legislative elections, announced at the beginning of the week its desire to “prevent” people with dual nationality from occupying “extremely sensitive jobs” the list of which will be defined “by decree”. Jordan Bardella took the example of a nuclear power plant boss and MP Sébastien Chenu mentioned sectors “particularly linked to security and defense”.

This provision “only concerns around thirty positions”, specified Marine Le Pen, specifying that it is only “extremely sensitive positions in intelligence” and that the measure will not apply “to senior positions”. ‘elected’.

On a potential disinvestment of Roger Chudeau, the leader of the RN deputies judged “that we cannot withdraw an investiture two days before the election” but assured that “the The party president will not leave things as they are, he was, like me, unhappy that the RN project was thus distorted.”

Protests to contest the results?

Finally, Marine Le Pen attacked the “extreme left” which she accused of “dressing in white linen” and of being “a political movement that refuses to submit to democracy”. “These are people who constantly come to attack meetings, come to attack their opponents’ press conferences and seem to want to contest the results of a democratic election with violence”, she declared, fearing demonstrations in the event of a victory by the RN at the end of the legislative elections.

“I hope that this will not be the case. But as much as we can organize demonstrations before the elections, we cannot organize demonstrations where, through violence, we oppose the will of the French people or else we clearly put ourselves in the camp of the anti-republicans and the anti-democrats. We will see what happens,” she concluded.


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