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a series of events to help families whose right to asylum has been rejected

Josiane Le Métayer, president of the Cent pour un toi association, in Saint-Brieuc, gives an update on the activities.

What is Hundred for a Roof of the Pays de Saint-Brieuc?

Our association was created at the end of 2020, faced with the need to shelter families whose right to asylum has been rejected and who very quickly find themselves on the street when they have to leave their accommodation at the asylum seekers reception center ( Cada). We therefore serve as a relay between the moment they leave the Cada and the moment they are regularized. These families are not authorized to work and remain beyond the reach of social systems.

What is your assessment of this period despite Covid?

We had the opportunity to host thirteen families, five of whom were regularized. Eleven families are currently being supported in accommodation often rented by benevolent owners or found during our mobilizations. In addition to our 270 private donors, we organize events to pay our rents and the families’ expenses.

What is your summer plan?

From this weekend (Sunday 30 and Monday 1is July), the association offers yoga workshops at the Amicale Laïque in Saint-Brieuc, at €10 per session. Then a garage sale on July 7 in the large hall of Robien, and participation on August 24 in the Fête du Mille. There, the families staying there will offer dances from their country.

A pancake movie night on August 30 in Languédias with the Cailloux Cagoules association will delight your taste buds. A 2e Pancake movie evening, September 7, will take place in Saint-Agathon.

One Hundred for a Roof will be present at the associations forum on Saturday August 31.

Contact and reservations (yoga and garage sales); email: [email protected]


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