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Free moving for people in need in Sherbrooke

“I don’t know what’s happening this year, but at the moment, we’re up to 38 moves in 48 hours,” says Charles Blais, co-organizer of Operation It’s Moving, in an interview with Noovo Info.

Nearly 200 volunteers are currently participating in the operation. About a hundred volunteers will be helping out on Sunday and Monday. The City of Sherbrooke is also providing trucks.

“It’s really fun to see that. Everyone got involved. The faces of the people we move are always pretty much the same, people who are alone, people who don’t have a salary, who don’t have the means to complete a move,” explains Jean-François Marceau, also co-organizer of Operation Ça déménage.

The CIUSSS de l’Estrie is now involved with the organization. “Now, the application forms we receive often come from social workers who help these people prepare during the weeks and months before we arrive,” says Mr. Blais.

The latter then contacts them to ensure that they are ready and reassure them.

In Mr. Marceau’s eyes, society would be better if we put more energy into helping our fellow man. “That’s why I get involved and want to help these people, even if we don’t know them, even if we may never see them,” he says.

“I think it’s about participating in shining in a moment of a person who is going through something difficult,” Mr. Blais emphasizes.

Faced with growing needs, the organization has already confirmed that Operation Ça déménage will be back next year.

See Alexandra Paré’s report in the video.


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