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first tie in the Big Challenge competition

Students of 3e from the Providence-La Salle college in Poitiers received their prizes on Monday June 24, 2024 following their participation in The Big Challenge Contest. For this competition in which nearly 260,000 students in France participate each year, the questions relate to vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and English civilization.

1re 8,022 participants were equal

One hundred and three middle school students participated, recalled Soulard, the college director. Some have distinguished themselves: Louis Ada, in 6eranked 39e at the national level out of 25,838 participants; Sophie Duflos, in 5e58e on 15,923; Basile Joly, in 4e80e out of 11,855. And more particularly Constance Saury, a 3rd grade studenteranked 1re 8,022 participants were equally involved.

Constance Saury received various prizes from Victoria Buton, her English teacher, including a digital tablet. The schoolgirl chose to study two languages ​​from year 6e. “I wasn’t completely sure about some of my answersconfided Constance. Even though during the year I took the Ev@lang test, which assesses oral and written comprehension skills, as well as knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Sometimes there are details that are important: “I was lucky enough to have an English babysitter and we stayed in touch. »

Constance plans to attend general education at the Victor-Hugo high school and admits to being impatient to travel to an English-speaking country: “It would be a first. »


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