DayFR Euro

Team BSC racing opens up to handicap

The Boucher brothers, Jonathan (33 years old) and Jérémy (36 years old), have been frequenting the French tracks for many years. Partners in the sidecar of Team BSC racing, they have climbed the ranks little by little to evolve today in the French championship in the Superbike category, the highest national level.

To promote their sport and open it up to as many people as possible, they have launched a somewhat special operation this year: on each date of the calendar, they welcome people with disabilities to follow the competition closely alongside them. “It’s a real moment of exchange and sharing, says Jonathan Boucher. On April 6 and 7, in Le Mans, we had three people and an educator from the Lunay home; on May 27 and 28, in Lédenon (Gard), there were two residents from the neighboring Bois des Leins medical care home; then on May 1is and June 2, in Nogaro (Gers), people from MAS Hélios (Hérault). »

Ten people welcomed in Magny-Cours

“When we were children, our parents offered Jumbo runs, motorcycle introductions to people with disabilities, that’s what inspired us. When we talked about it as a family, especially with my sister-in-law who is a caregiver in a home, we realized that the operation we wanted to offer did not exist. »

Although Team BSC has not been in the race since the second round, Jonathan having injured his collarbone, the initiative continues. June 29 and 30, during the 4e round at Magny-Cours, 7 residents and 3 companions from the Marizys home in La Machine (Nièvre) will follow the race closely.


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