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Paris 2024 Olympics: Games Pass and QR Code, how to get it, for whom and for what? We tell you everything

The Olympic Games are coming and you are wondering if you will need a Games Pass and in particular its QR code to go out to certain places, move around or visit. If a QR Code will not be mandatory for pedestrians in the red zone, what about the gray zone? Who is entitled to it, when and why?

It is a real headache for all Parisians, Ile-de-France residents and tourists who want to travel around Paris as the Olympic Games and during the Olympic Games. THE Games Passissued in the form of QR code is essential for traveling in certain areas and at certain times. Who is entitled to the Games Pass? For what reasons ? At what times? For which outings? We try to answer the questions you ask yourself.

How to obtain a QR Code?

To obtain a Games Passgo to the dedicated platform You will need to fill out an online form, provide an ID photo and supporting documents. Requests may take several days to process.

Who should request a QR Code?

All persons needing to go within the grey perimeter during the opening ceremony and the week preceding it (July 18-26) must request a Games PassThis includes workers, local residents and visitors, regardless of their mobility.

From what age is the QR Code required?

Children over 13 must also obtain a digital pass. The request must be made by a parent or legal guardian on the online platform, providing the same supporting documents as for an adult.

Is the QR Code necessary to use the metro?

No, metro users are not affected by the Games PassHowever, some stations located within the gray perimeter will be closed during the opening ceremony and the week preceding it.

How to cross the red and gray zones?

To cross the red and gray zones, you will need a Games PassThe red zone requires proof only for motor vehicleswhile the gray zone imposes a Games Pass for all types of travel (pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles). The zones and their rules will change on the day of the opening ceremony, July 26, from 1 p.m.

Will it be possible to move during the Olympic Games?

Moving will be possible in the red zone only if the move cannot be postponed. For the gray zone, no moving permit will be granted.

Will my QR Code also be valid for competition sites?

No, each QR Code is specific to a request and a period. A Games Pass for the opening ceremony will not be valid for the competition sites. People with tickets for the competitions will not need a pass, they will have to present their ticket present via a QR code on the Paris 2024 tickets application, which is mandatory.

Are taxi and VTC drivers affected by the Games Pass?

Taxi and VTC drivers must comply with the same rules as other vehicles. They do not need to Games Pass before the opening ceremony in the red zone, but must be able to justify their presence in the gray zone. Customers must present a Games Pass to justify their presence.

How do I prove a reservation at a hairdresser, an event or a restaurant?

Establishments located in the gray perimeter must provide a proof of reservation so you can get a Games Pass. This document is required when applying on the dedicated platform.

What are the safety zones and their rules?

Three main zones are defined: red, gray and blue. The red zone requires proof for vehicles, while the gray zone requires a Games Pass for all trips. The blue zone does not require a QR Code, but drivers will be asked for proof in the event of an inspection.

How do I know which zone I am in?

Check out the carte interactive online. By entering your addressyou will see in which perimeter it is located and the rules that apply.

Will the markets be closed during the Olympic Games?

Parisian markets will remain open, except in the zone grise where they cannot be supplied. In the red zone, sellers and producers will have to have a Games Pass to stock up during the Games.

The establishment of the Games Pass and QR Codes aims to secure and organize travel during Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Whether you want to visit the Eiffel Towermake a festival on the banks of the Seine or go to a restaurant in zone grisethe watchword is: anticipate! We get our reservation receipt and then quickly make our request online.

Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Practical information Sports at the Paris Games


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