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a support system for traders in anticipation of urban violence

The system aimed at helping shopkeepers who were victims of possible violence had already been deployed during the riots following the death of Nahel Merzouk in 2023.

As the first round of the legislative elections approaches, the Lyon metropolis wants to protect itself against supposed violence which could occur after the results.

According to information from BFM Lyon, while Grégory Doucet has already called for “reinforced support” from the police for the smooth running of the polls, the authorities are getting ready to manage possible violence in the coming days.

A device ready to be deployed quickly

A meeting was in fact organised this week at the prefecture with the prefect delegated to defence and security, the interdepartmental director of the national police and the president of the Saint-Etienne Lyon Métropole Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI).

During this meeting, it was notably decided on a special system aimed at supporting Lyon traders which could be deployed quickly in the event of disturbances to public order.

It translates into an alert system by message sent to the trade unions to warn them of disturbances to public order. Specific information will be provided to traders who have suffered damage with the establishment of a mediation cell for insurance, slots reserved for filing complaints, and the possibility of mobilizing a private security system to secure businesses.

“You have to be brave to be a trader”

This system, “unique in France between State services and the CCI”, had already been deployed last year following the urban riots that occurred after the death of Nahel.

A decentralized team of police officers had even been deployed directly to the CCI at the Palais de Bourse to take complaints. “25 to 30 complaints were registered,” recalls the CCI Lyon Métropole. 100 to 150 stores were affected by this urban violence last year.

“It’s a quadruple, quintuple penalty for Lyon’s traders. We can no longer count, between the weather, internet competition and the limited traffic zone, today you have to be courageous to be a trader”, deplores the chamber. of business.

During this meeting, the security measures anticipated since the beginning of the week for state services were also recalled, with the mobilization of local staff, numerous national reinforcements and several law enforcement units. , according to our sources.

Feared violence between ultra-right and ultra-left

According to information from BFMTV, in the event of a victory for the National Rally on July 7, the intelligence services anticipate coordinated actions by the ultra-left and risks of excesses in certain sensitive neighborhoods in France.

Clashes between ultra-right and ultra-left cannot be ruled out, particularly in cities like Lyon or Strasbourg, estimated a police source at BFMTV.

In a telegram sent to the prefects of France on June 14, Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, mentioned possible “violent clashes between the far right (2,700 people monitored) and the far left (5,500 people monitored).”

Marianne Rey, with Alexis Lalemant

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