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Why participate in the Denier of Saint-Pierre? -ZENIT

This Sunday, June 30, 2024, will take place in churches around the world, the collection of the “Penthouse of Saint Peter” (“Saint Peter’s Pence”). Peter’s Pence “). It is traditionally done at the time of the feast of the holy apostles, which is celebrated this year on Saturday June 29.

The Church calls on all Catholics to give, even humbly, in order to contribute to the Vatican’s finances for the functioning of the Church in the world. This gesture particularly helps the Pope in his mission as Bishop of Rome, assisted on a daily basis by the numerous dicasteries of the Holy See.

« The ‘Piece of Saint Peter’ is the most typical expression of the participation of all the faithful in the charitable initiatives of the Bishop of Rome towards the universal Church. The value of this gesture is not only practical, but also symbolic ” said Pope Benedict XVI in 2006.

This collection day is in a way “the pope’s day of charity”, who wants to be close to everyone, especially to those who suffer. The Holy Father is very concretely committed to supporting charitable works for individuals and families in difficulty. It speaks of peace and fraternity in a world devastated by wars, natural disasters, the arms race, injustice and poverty, attacks on the sanctity of human life and the dignity of the person.

« The Pope makes his voice heard, and expresses his concrete closeness in many difficult situations ” explain the Vatican media, ” the message of the Successor of Peter is universal and flows from the Gospel which, to reach everyone, requires the support of each of us. »

Giving is therefore ” a concrete way to strengthen the feeling of belonging to the Church and our love for the Bishop of Rome, who presides over all the Churches in charity. »


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