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The driving role of Initiative Clermont Métropole for business recovery or creation

Honorary loans, free support: the Initiative Clermont Auvergne Métropole network can provide capital support for business buyers or creators. You still have to think about it.

More than twenty-five years of existence, an undeniable driving role: the Initiative Clermont Auvergne Métropole network is a major player in entrepreneurship in the urban area, as well as its results presented this Wednesday, June 26, in the premises of La Pardieu , in Clermont-Ferrand, attests to this.

€1.2 million in honorary loans granted for 107 companies, which resulted in €13.3 million in bank loans, i.e. a leverage effect of 10.5, 339 jobs created or saved and 90% sustainability of companies in question at three years against 50% without this support: the figures speak for themselves, but the contribution of this Initiative network remains too little known, in the eyes of its president, Jean-Claude Hugueny, who is firstly pleased with the good level of activity regained.

107 applications selected in 2023

“With 107 applications selected (out of 160 submitted, Editor’s note), we have returned to and even exceeded the pre-Covid level. There is a real dynamic of business takeovers and creations in our territory. For project leaders, do not hesitate to push the doors and come to us. We have a good knowledge of the local fabric, what works and the areas in which to set up.”

What’s more, beyond the honor loan (loan on the person which remains due even in the event of bankruptcy), which can be between 5,000 and 25,000 euros, Initiative offers completely free support.

“It’s real support upstream in all the steps, for the preparation of the project (study, business plan, etc.), continues Jean-Claude Hugneny, and then a sponsorship for three years, also free, to support the entrepreneur on his weaknesses. For example, an employee who takes over an SME knows the business well, but not the management of sales, HR or cash flow. We support him on these points.”

Initiative also offers sponsors and targets in particular women, young people and those from priority areas of the city, in conjunction with other stakeholders such as France Active.

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But all project leaders are welcome. Notably also start-ups since the merger in April with IAIT (Initiative Auvergne innovation and transmission). “On this aspect,” says Start-up and go, “we have a fund of €2 million for files covering the four Auvergne departments. »

And for the territory of the Metropolis, two other systems are being created this year: the Metropolitan Fund for Production Entrepreneurship, more oriented towards industrial or artisanal production companies; and the Metropolitan Fund for Innovation, intended for start-up projects supported by a local incubator.

Contact. Initiative Clermont Auvergne Métropole, 27, rue Jean-Claret, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand. Such. :

Patrice Campo

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