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A globetrotter arrives at Quimper Volley – quimper – volleyball

It’s official, Quimper Volley is getting ready to welcome a true globetrotter, a player who has played on the courts in France and Europe, accumulating extraordinary experience. Pauline Martin is Quimper Volley’s first recruit for the 2024-2025 season! The 31-year-old French setter is joining the Breton club from the Hungarian club KNRC. Originally from Montpellier, she started playing volleyball at ASBAM Montpellier and then at Arago de Sète. This will be the tenth club that the future Quimper player, who is no stranger to the French championship, will know. After being trained within the France Avenir 2024 group (2010-2013), she played in Béziers for five seasons (2013-2018), in Hämeenlinnan Lentopallokerho in Finland (2018-2019), Istres (2019-2022), in Leixoes SC in Portugal (2022-2023). Last season, she played in the Hungarian club KNRC (2023-2024) which finished second in the regular season and then lost in the playoff final.

Legend: New passer in the Quimper Volley 29 squad in 2023/2024, with the signing of Pauline Martin. Photo credit: Leixoes SC

With her experience and her passing skills, Pauline Martin should bring a definite plus to the Quimper game. “She will bring all her experience to lead our team’s play next season.”declared François-Xavier Garnon, the Quimper coach, in a press release.

For her part, Pauline Martin said she “delighted to join Quimper. It’s a club I know well and I can’t wait to get back to the French championship. I’m convinced that we can have a great season together.” With the arrival of Pauline Martin, Quimper Volley has a significant asset for the coming season with her experience and playing qualities.


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