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Tribute to two figures of Lyon humanist justice


Grégory Doucet, Mayor of Lyon and Bruno Bernard, President of the Lyon Metropolis, will unveil the commemorative plaques on the “Passerelle du palais de justice – Pierre Truche” and in the Paul Bouchet space, in the heart of the Basoche garden, in the presence of:
– Bruno Cotte, Honorary President of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation
– Catherine PAUTRAT, First President of the Lyon Court of Appeal
– Anne KOSTOMAROFF, Attorney General at the Lyon Court of Appeal

This ceremony is open to the public and will close with a cocktail.


Pierre Truche
Born in Lyon in 1929, Pierre Truche spent most of his career in Lyon as a deputy prosecutor and then as attorney general. In this latter role, he supported the prosecution in 1987 before the Rhône Assize Court in the first trial for crimes against humanity to be tried in France: that of Klaus Barbie, former head of the Lyon Gestapo. During the eight weeks of this historic trial, he demonstrated his concern for respecting the rights of the defense while showing great empathy for the civil parties. He concluded his indictment with these words: “I ask you to confine Barbie for life.” This unanimously praised attitude gave him an exceptional image: he embodied a justice system that upheld humanist values. He ended his career at the Court of Cassation, first as attorney general and then, from 1996, as first president. Concerned about preserving the memory of victims of crimes against humanity, he supports the creation of a memorial museum for the children of Izieu. He also sits on several bodies dedicated to respecting rights. Recognized as an exceptional magistrate, he remains an emblematic figure in the defense of human rights, having pursued throughout his career an ideal of justice that respects the rights of the individual, whether offender or victim. He died in Lyon in 2020.

Paul Bouchet
Born in Saint-Étienne in 1924, he joined the Resistance at a very young age. Father of student unionism which according to him prepares for professional unionism. He campaigns for the independence of lawyers with regard to the judicial authority and will be at the origin of the first house of lawyers of Lyon. President of the Bar from 1980 to 1982, he is concerned with leading lawyers to modernize their professional practice. Paul Bouchet conceives access to law and justice as a fundamental right to which competent and fairly paid lawyers must respond. The fight against racism and xenophobia, the fight against extreme poverty through concrete measures are the main axes of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights which he chaired from 1989 to 1996 and made him a remarkable mediator on many cases. President of ATD QUART MONDE, he worked for the equal dignity of all. He also distinguished himself through his investment in the heritage and cultural sector, through the restoration and creation of a cultural centre within the Chateau de GOUTELAS in Forez.


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