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The Dreux sorting center enters modernity

The Trivalo sorting center in Dreux is changing eras thanks to modernization works. Waste will be better sorted and recovered.

Large plastic bricks as a symbol: the modernization and extension of the Trivalo 28 sorting center (former Natriel site), Rabette area in Dreux, has been launched since Wednesday. The work can begin.

“It’s a victory and a great satisfaction,” says Stéphane Lemoine, president of Sitreva, a public institution that manages waste disposal sites and waste treatment, just before laying the first brick. “This means that there will always be a sorting center in the Eure-et-Loir department and that it remains in Dreux. We had to fight. For a while, it was considered that the waste from Eure-et-Loir would be sorted in Triel-sur-Seine, in the Yvelines. That would have been an ecological disaster. We would have exploded our carbon footprint.”

Limit incineration (empty)

Stéphane Lemoine adds. “It is important to modernize the Trivalo 28 site. We must be more efficient in sorting and recovering more waste. »
The sorting center will be managed by Paprec, through a public service delegation. “The capacity of the site will increase from 24,000 tons to 30,000 tons,” says Erwan Le Meur, deputy chairman and CEO of Paprec.

“The center will be equipped with very modern equipment which will allow finer mechanical sorting. We hope to better deal with plastic packaging in particular, which is not yet completely done. We have made progress, but we must go further. It is necessary to further reduce the volume of waste sent to incineration. » Erwan Le Meur adds. “But even if we improve mechanical sorting, we will still need a sorting operator. »

premium The Dreux sorting center will be modernized

“The capacity of the site will increase from 24,000 tonnes to 30,000 tonnes.”

Erwan Le Meur, Deputy Chairman and CEO of Paprec (empty)

Paprec has committed to keeping the employees for the duration of the work. They will work in other sorting plants in Eure and Yvelines. “Thirty or forty minutes maximum from their home”. On the other hand, there are no more temporary workers and the contract with the Grâce association which would allow the employment of people in professional integration has been over since February. “Ultimately, around thirty people, including 2 to 5 time equivalents in professional integration, will work at Trivalo 28.”

premium Natriel, the Dreux sorting center, will expand

Thirty employees

The work is expected to last a little over a year. The reopening of the Dreux site is planned for September 2025. In the meantime, waste from Eure-et-Loir will be sorted in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis).

Sitreva is investing in the Dreux region. The company has dedicated 2 million to renovating the Saulnières recycling center, and is devoting more than 22 million to modernizing the Trivalo 28 center with a grant of 980,000 euros from Citéo, a company specializing in recycling household packaging and graphic paper. “We are also going to invest 6 million in renovating the Dreux recycling center,” says Stéphane Lemoine, president of Sitreva. This work should begin in September and last a year. Users will be directed to other recycling centers.

Pascale Rouchaud


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