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Bitten by a homeless man’s dog, this Vendéen had his legs and fingers amputated


Nicolas Pipelier

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 12:01 p.m.

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Two legs and fingers amputated because of a dog bite. This Yonnais paid dearly for his mania for grand gestures. At least that is what his lawyer, Carole Verdu, defended this Thursday, June 27, before the judicial court from La Roche-sur-Yon.

The magistrate returned to that tragic day of June 2, 2017 when her client saw a dog jumps at his throat. An acquaintance’s dog without a fixed address (homeless) who was begging in front of the U Express at the Halles square in La Roche-sur-Yon.

That day, the two men, fairly drunk, were talking when Talia, a spaniel-Labrador crosswas surprised by a stunt. Thinking her master was in danger, the two-year-old bit the intruder on the face.

Before alerting the emergency services, the owner made sure to put a muzzle on him. When the emergency services wanted to take charge of the victim, the latter refused to follow them to the hospital and signed a release.

140 days of ITT

Bad luck, the canine was carrier of a virus. As the days went by, the Yonnais saw his health deteriorate. To the point of being hospitalized urgently. Affected by severe septicemia, the patient was immersed in a artificial coma. His two legs and fingers were amputated. An operation, billed at €250,000 to the CPAM, which cost him 140 days of total incapacity for work (ITT).

Problem, the dog’s owner, insolvent, has disappeared into thin air. THE Fund the guaranteewho sent his Parisian lawyer to the scene, refuses to compensate the victim. Considering that there is no fault since the master had not no obligation to muzzle your dognot listed in categories 1 and 2.

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An argument which made the lawyer for the civil party fume. “The problem in this case is that I don’t have the right victim. If my client had been a child, we wouldn’t even be having this kind of discussion.”

Deliberated on July 4

For prosecutor Fiammetta Esposito, the case is clear. “Without the septicemia, it would have been ten days of ITT. It is the refusal of medical care that has made this case a disaster.”

And the public prosecutor added: “This sentence which consists of saying if you do not convict M., my client will not receive a cent, disturbs me and makes me very uncomfortable. Compensation in civil matters don’t interest me. I’m only interested in criminal matters.”

According to the prosecutor, no fault has been established: “Clumsiness, I don’t see any; inattention, I don’t see any; recklessness, I don’t see any ; negligence, I don’t see any…” The epiphore concluded with a request for the defendant to be released.

The decision was reserved. The decision will be made Thursday July 4 at 1:45 p.m.

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