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Legislative: “There are no words to describe this nauseating climate” deplores France Insoumise 79

“We can’t let things like this happen.” ThisThis is what François Charron deplored this morning. The spokesperson for France Insoumise in Deux-Sèvres returned to the anti-Semitic tags discovered on a banner of the New Popular Front candidate in Deux-Sèvres. “There are no words to describe this nauseating climate in which we are experiencing this blitzkrieg. We immediately spoke. We decided that we had to file a complaint. We are also very angry with all those who are fueling this sort of trivialization of anti-Semitism, particularly in the Baloge/Marchive clan. Their clan spent this campaign attacking us, saying that the anti-Semites of France Insoumise completely discredited the candidacy of Nathalie Lanzi in the New Popular Front. It’s playing the pyromaniac fireman.”

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“We have always been on the side of the oppressed”

Regarding these accusations of anti-Semitism within the party, François Charron wanted to correct them.What I know is that we have an anti-racist movement. I have always condemned all forms of discrimination, whether it be anti-Semitism, Islamophobia or the problems encountered by LGBT communities. We have always been on the side of oppressed people. This is a trial of intent that is being made against us.”

The spokesperson also gave an update on the ambitions before this first round. “We are divided. We are rather confident in the first constituency with Nathalie Lanzi. We know that it will be more complicated for Delphine Batho, in the second. The National Rally made good scores here. But we know that the outgoing MP experience to carry out this campaign, the question arises. There is this kind of strange alliance between the National Rally and the Republicans. , perhaps in the case of a triangular one.”

A moratorium on bedpans

François Charron also discussed the program of the New Popular Front. He clarified the alliance’s position on the subject of basins. “There will be a moratorium. There is a consensus within our parties. So, it will be a halt to the projects and then we will get back around the table to discuss. That is one of the important things, getting everyone back around the table and calming things down.”


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