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Civil status acts – Sarreguemines

Issuing a birth certificate is free!

Please note, several private websites (without any link with Sarreguemines Town Hall) offer a paid service to carry out the procedures for you to obtain a civil status certificate.

Certain procedures require the production of civil status certificates (birth, marriage, death certificates). Civil status records have no longer existed since the end of 2000.

Find all the conditions on the website

Birth certificate

A birth certificate can result in the issuance of 3 different documents: the full copy, the extract with filiation and the extract without filiation. The conditions of issuance depend on the nature of the document you are requesting. The steps to obtain it vary depending on the place of birth of the person concerned by the certificate.

Who can apply?

For a full copy or an extract with filiation
– The person concerned by the birth certificate (provided they are an adult);
– His wife/husband or his partner bound by a civil solidarity pact;
– His ancestors (parents, grandparents);
– His descendants (children, grandchildren);
– His legal representative;
– Certain professionals when a text authorizes them to do so (lawyers, on behalf of their client for example).

For an extract without affiliation
– Any person, without having to justify their request or their quality.

How to apply?

If you were born in Sarreguemines
You can request a copy of your birth certificate directly from the town hall.

– Either on the internet by an online request. You can request your birth certificate online. The online request service for civil status documents is open exclusively to individuals.

– Either by mail. The request for the birth certificate can be sent by mail on plain paper. A stamped envelope (single postage) indicating the return address must be enclosed. The information to indicate on the letter depends on the document requested.

-> Full copy of birth certificate.
Letter indicating: the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the person concerned by the act; the first and last names of his parents.
-> Extract with filiation. Letter indicating: the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the person concerned by the act; the first and last names of his parents.
-> Extract without affiliation. Letter indicating the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the person concerned by the act.

– Either by going to the counter. To request a full copy or an extract with filiation, you must present your identity document. If the applicant is not the person concerned by the birth certificate, you must also provide a document proving your relationship with the person concerned by the certificate (family record book or other civil status document) unless this information already appears on the requested document. For example: if you are requesting your child’s birth certificate, your name is indicated on this document. You therefore only need to present an identity document. For a request for an extract without filiation, no document is required.

– For French people born abroad
The request must be sent to the Civil Registry of Nantes at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Civil Registry Service, 44941 NANTES CEDEX 09, or online via the site:

What is the lead time?

If the document is requested on site, it is issued immediately. If the document is requested online on the internet or by mail, it is sent to your home and generally arrives within a few days. However, the delivery time may vary depending on the processing by the town hall services and the delivery time of the mail.

Birth certificate: online request

Marriage certificate

A marriage certificate can result in the issuance of 3 different documents: the full copy, the extract with filiation and the extract without filiation. The conditions of issuance depend on the nature of the document you are requesting. The steps to obtain it vary depending on the place of marriage.

Who can ask it ?

For a full copy or an extract with parentage
– Each of the spouses;
– Their ascendants (parents, grandparents) or descendants (children, grandchildren);
– Certain professionals when a text authorizes them (lawyers, on behalf of their client for example).

For an extract without filiation
– Any person, without having to justify their request or their status.

How to get it?

If you got married in Sarreguemines, you can request a certificate from the town hall.

Either by internet
You can apply for your marriage certificate online.

Either by mail
The request can be sent by mail on plain paper. A stamped envelope (single postage) indicating the return address should be attached. The information to be indicated on the mail depends on the document requested.

For a full copy, the letter must indicate: the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the spouses, the names and first names of the parents.

For an extract with parentage, the letter must indicate: the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the spouses, the first and last names of the parents.

For an extract without parentage, the letter must indicate: the names (birth name for married women), first names and date of birth of the spouses.

Either by going to the counter
To request a full copy or an extract with filiation, you must present an identity document and, if necessary, a document proving your relationship with one of the spouses (family record book or other civil status document). For a request for an extract without filiation, no document is required.

Who can issue the document?

In the event of marriage in France
– Or the town hall of the wedding venue
– Or, in the case where the marriage took place in an overseas department, the ministry responsible for overseas territories.

In case of marriage abroad
– If the person concerned by the act is of French nationality: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This process can be done online.
– If the person concerned by the act is not of French nationality: the authority which issued the act.

Delivery times

If the document is requested on site, it is issued immediately. If the document is requested online or by mail, it is sent to the home and generally arrives within a few days. The time it takes to obtain it may, however, vary depending on the processing by the town hall services and the delivery time of the mail.

Marriage certificate: online request

Death certificate

A full copy of the death certificate can be issued to any person who requests it. The steps to obtain it depend on the place of death.

How to get it?

If the person died in Sarreguemines, you can request a certificate from the town hall of the district of your choice.

Either by internet
You can request your death certificate online.

Either by mail
The request can be sent by mail on plain paper. A stamped envelope (single postage) indicating the return address must be enclosed. The information to indicate on the letter is the date and place of death.

Who can issue the document?

In the event of death in France
– Either the town hall of the place of death;
– Either the town hall of the deceased’s last place of residence.

In the event of death abroad
– If the deceased was of French nationality: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This procedure can be carried out online.
– If the deceased was not of French nationality: the authority which issued the document.

Delivery times

If the document is requested on site, it is issued immediately. If the document is requested online or by mail, it is sent to the home and generally arrives within a few days. The time it takes to obtain it may, however, vary depending on the processing by the town hall services and the delivery time of the mail.

Death certificate: online request


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