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Pierre Lagonelle takes stock – Le Petit Journal

Pierre Lagonelle with members of Tarbes pour Tous in front of the Gespe hospital Credits: CB65

This Monday, June 24, Pierre Lagonelle, leader of “Tarbes for All”, took stock of the future hospital “We are not returning to the necessity and urgency of building a new and modern departmental hospital. We are also not returning to the bad choice that the Lanne site represents for us which combines the disadvantages: remoteness, additional cost of non-existent developments, ecological aberration, increased mobility, loss of opportunities due to the remoteness of the Samu. Furthermore, this choice by Lanne leaves the current site in Tarbes without a reconversion solution, which is a major problem for the city. Surprisingly, this hospital construction project in Lanne obscures the problem of reconverting the current premises…. Not the shadow of the beginning of the beginning of a possible track! The workshop within the framework of the CNDP on this theme clearly showed this. Not a single euro has been budgeted for this item, apart from 600,000€ allocated for guarding for 3 years… and after? This is why we proposed to the project leaders and the CNDP a reflection on a hybrid project between new and old, more economical, more virtuous, which takes into account reconversion and which could become a formidable project on this magnificent site of the Gespe. In addition, our project, freed from constraints and opposition linked to the environment, could be delivered within the same time frame as the Lanne project, or even better. If we want to move towards the hospital of tomorrow, this implies planning a scalable, adaptable and above all expandable hospital. Something which will be, unlike Lanne, entirely possible on the Gespe site with our hybrid project of new construction associated with the progressive use of old premises renovated according to needs.”

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