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Urban riots, legislative elections and public transport: Hello Brest!

Hello everyone! How are you this Friday, June 28, 2024? Come on, it’s almost the weekend! To celebrate, there’s nothing better than an outdoor cultural outing. Every Friday, June 28 to September 6, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the traveling festival “Fernetes ouvertes” takes place in the neighborhoods of Brest. Circus, theater, orchestra, rap, puppets will be on the program this year. Tonight, it’s the Kerangoff district that opens the ball, welcoming the Jahiner national orchestra for a stroll between theater and fanfare.

On the night of Wednesday, June 28 to Thursday, June 29, 2023, Brest was ablaze. In the Pontanézen district, exactly one year ago, the first urban riots broke out. The trigger? The death of young Nahel in Nanterre (92), a 17-year-old teenager killed by a police officer who used his weapon after the minor refused to comply. Today, Brest is still healing the wounds of the fires and destruction that followed the angry movement, such as the burned Kerbio stores, one of which is due to reopen at the end of the year.

It is also International Phenylketonuria Day (PKU), an inherited genetic disease that causes the accumulation of phenylalanine which is toxic to the brain. If left untreated, it can cause mental retardation. This date was chosen in tribute to the doctor Robert Guthrie, born June 28, 1916. He is considered one of the pioneers of neonatal screening. The opportunity to discover this article on the use of a Mozart lullaby used to reduce pain in newborns during this essential test.

Finally, today, we celebrate the birthdays of American actress Kathy Bates (76 years old) and French international footballer Fabien Barthez (53 years old).

Today’s weather: it’s shining

“Saint Irenaeus’s Day is one of the most beautiful days of the year,” the saying goes. And indeed, for the past few days, we can’t do without it: the sun has made a grand return to Brest. Let’s hope so, it’s here to stay. This Friday, temperatures should reach 22°C, 3°C above seasonal norms. The sun rose at 6:20 a.m. and will set at 10:24 p.m. For those who would like to take advantage of it to go to the beach, the tide is at its highest at 10:40 a.m. and at its lowest at 5:01 p.m., for a coefficient of 67. [La météo à Brest]

Real-time traffic: calm

The roads in Brest and the metropolitan area are particularly quiet this morning, apart from a traffic jam on the N12 at the Kervao roundabout and slowdowns on the N12 near Plouédern, due to roadworks.

Today’s changes: port and transport

Several changes were announced during the Brest Métropole council meeting yesterday. On the sea side, the rates for stopovers at the Moulin-Blanc and Château marinas are increasing by 10% from July. On the land side, several decisions were voted on regarding public transport. On the program: more transport during the Maritime Festivals and a dedicated rate, no tram from July 18 to August 30 and a bicycle shelter next to the station.

The price of stopovers at the port of Château (and that of Moulin-Blanc) will increase. (Photo Le Télégramme/David Cormier)

The question of the day: in Brest, what are the legislative candidates banking on to convince?

A few days before the first round of the legislative elections, the candidates are busy in Brest. Door-to-door, leafleting, posters and markets, everything is good for meeting potential voters and convincing them. We followed candidates from the Brest-center constituency in their campaign. [Le reportage de Solveig Le Gat]

In Brest, activists are multiplying the ways of approaching voters before the first round of legislative elections this Sunday, June 30, 2024. (Photo Le Télégramme/Solveig Le Gat)


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