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Tetsuhiro Hirakawa signing for Fnac Saint-Lazare! – BY INVITATION* – FNAC ST LAZARE – Paris, 75009

Fnac Saint-Lazare is pleased to welcome Tetsuhiro Hirakawa for a book signing session on the occasion of the release of the manga “Nine Peaks”, on Thursday, July 11 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. * *By invitation, to be collected at the store reception on Thursday, July 11 at 10 a.m. / 20 drawings / 1 ex-libris per person. SUMMARY A gang war is handled between father and son! At only 16 years old, Gaku already has a reputation as a tough guy who attracts local delinquents, and the fights continue, despite the remonstrances of his father Harumi… The high school student has little respect for this grumpy manager of a restaurant with no future. However, when the man dies in an accident, a whole crowd arrives at his funeral, mourning the loss of a hero who would have once united the local gangs… As a final tribute, Gaku goes fishing, his father’s favorite pastime, but ends up in the water! Pulled up in the nick of time by a boy his age who looks like a thug, he doesn’t have time to breathe before a gang comes to attack his savior… who is none other than his father, 22 years younger! The teenager has taken a leap into the past, to a time when a merciless war is brewing to take the lead of the city’s bad boys. But this time, he intends to lend a hand to his father! My father, this hero… of fighting! Gaku’s journey through time allows him to reconnect with his family, but also to face opponents more tenacious than ever… Faced with the Harumi-Gaku duo, the local gangs had better watch out! ©Tetsuhiro Hirakawa (AKITASHOTEN) 2022 *By invitation, to be collected at the store reception on Thursday 11/07 at 10 a.m. / 20 drawings / 1 bookplate per person. Fnac is actively involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Help us by choosing soft mobility or public transport to come to our events. In this way, you contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving our air quality.

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