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Viola Amherd takes her Federal Council comrades to Valais lands –

This Thursday is a school run day for the Federal Council. And as usual, it is the President of the Confederation who takes his or her colleagues to his or her canton. Viola Amherd has chosen to stop in the cities of Sion and Brig.

The Federal Councillors travelled by train to Valais for their annual two-day excursion to the lands of Viola Amherd. They first stopped in Sion in the morning by train and then continued on to Upper Valais.

“We are delighted to share this moment of conviviality and exchange with you,” said the President of the Confederation to the hundred people who came to welcome the Federal Council in the old town of Sion under a summer sun.

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Strengthen ties

This school run is an opportunity to “strengthen ties between members of the government but also those with the population,” she said, after having had a thought for all the people affected by the latest bad weather, “ here and in the rest of Switzerland.

>> Details from Forum:

The Federal Council’s annual school race is held in Valais, shortly after bad weather (video) / Forum / 2 min. / yesterday at 6:00 p.m.

“It is a real pleasure and an honor to welcome the Federal Council to Valais,” replied the President of the Council of State Franz Ruppen. Valais and the Confederation are linked by numerous projects, such as the A9 motorway which the train carrying the Federal Council will run alongside but which is not yet finished, or photovoltaics in the Alpine environment, he added.

“Perhaps you will talk about it during this excursion, but in all honesty, I do not wish that for you. A school run is above all made to create and strengthen bonds, to exchange, to marvel, to laugh”, continued the cantonal minister, causing the crowd to smile.

The class photo of the Federal Council, in front of Stockalper Castle, in Brig, on June 27, 2024. [KEYSTONE – JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT]

Speeches, photos, costumes and violins

The president of the Sion general council, Virginie Rossier, praised “the simplicity” with which this meeting took place, “without excessive security protocols”. And “what an excellent idea to stop in the Valais capital, the second wine-producing commune, at aperitif time!”

After the speeches, photos, selfies and handshakes followed to the sound of two violins, while ladies in traditional outfits served an aperitif.

In the afternoon, the Federal Councillors worked up a sweat while taking a stroll through the Salgesch vineyards. Federal Councillor for the Interior Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, who was held up in Bern in the morning, then joined them.

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