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Legislative: Candidates of the New Popular Front of South Corsica meet at the Agora des Cannes

“I don’t haveI kept dreaming of this union of the left. That’s why I’m here“. The tone of the public meeting organized at the Agora des Cannes in Ajaccio by Marc-Antoine Leroy and Jean-Baptiste Luccioni, New Popular Front candidates in the first and second constituencies of South Corsica, was set from the outset by Isaline Choury.

The president of the support committee for the candidates of the reconciled left then evoked the history and its popular struggles from 1936, then appealed to common heritages brandished as a bulwark against the prospect of the coming to power of the far right.

“Remember Danielle Casanova”

Remember the example that Danielle Casanova gave, her courage, her strength of life, carried by values ​​of dignity, social justice, solidarity, fraternity and the fight against all forms of racism and exclusion. Stand in the way of the extreme right.”.

An injunction taken up in chorus by Jean-Baptiste Luccioni and Vivianne Biancarelli, his deputy, by Marc-Antoine Leroy and Thomas Santoni, his deputy. All assure it, they “will prevent[t] Jordan Bardella to join Matignon”.

To achieve this, the left united on the island and nationally is banking on a “ecological and social breakthrough program“with the consensual objectives of social progress, freedom, equality, secularism, preservation of the environment, and quality public services in a peaceful country. Among others.

We speak with one voice without limits of electoral constituency, with the only and unique banner being the electoral posters. And in the opinion of Jean-Baptiste Luccioni, this one carries a little higher from the Agora and the Cannes district: ” Because the City of Ajaccio was administered by a left-wing majority and many of the infrastructures that we benefit from today were designed by this same majority“.

The Agora is one of them, as is the Place Jean-Casili in Les Salines. So many developments that evoke the nostalgia of bygone mandates and demonstrate “how a political project can change the face of a city and working-class neighborhoods”according to Marc-Antoine Leroy. More generally, “Every time Corsica has experienced social and institutional progress, there has been unity and strong actions at the local level and the left in power at the national level”they assure.

And according to the candidates for the legislative elections, it could all start again: “Because The left-wing people still exist in Corsica. But between 2014 and 2024, they may have had enough of the divisions. They probably didn’t vote anymore. Hope is there and we can build.”.

A path is open and these early legislative elections would only be a step”towards brighter tomorrows, towards happy days“. On l’assure, “This is a great moment that we are experiencing.”.

Whatever the outcome of the vote on the evening of June 30, it will be necessary “continue to move forward together”.

It remains to be seen whether political unity will not be eroded by the passing weeks and months.


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