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Valais: Federal Council welcomed with fanfare in Brig

The Federal Council was welcomed with fanfare in Brig

The seven federal councillors arrived in the canton of Viola Amherd on Thursday for their annual excursion. They stopped in Sion before heading to Upper Valais.

Published: 06/27/2024, 5:39 p.m.

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On an annual two-day excursion to Valais, the seven federal councilors were welcomed at the end of the day on Thursday in Brig (VS). Several hundred people were present.

The Federal Council in corpore was received in the Upper Valais town with fanfare and to the sound of the Marignano march. He was warmly applauded by the population gathered in the shade of the arcades of Stockalper Castle, who did not hesitate to sing the official Valais anthem.

“It is an important moment for the Federal Council to meet the population,” noted Viola Amherd during a press briefing in front of the castle. The President of the Confederation said she was looking forward to introducing her canton to the rest of her colleagues.

Before Brig, and after a stop in Sion, the Federal Council went to Salquenen to take the so-called “green lizard” walk in the vineyard overlooking the Finges woods. “During this walk, we discussed agriculture, viticulture and tourism,” added Viola Amherd. On Friday, the program will be loaded with “culture and history,” she added.


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