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David Haegy calls for political responsibility from Sladana Zivkovic

David Haegy published an open letter addressed to Sladana Zivkovic, highlighting major concerns regarding her current candidacy. In this press release, Haegy expresses his indignation at what he describes as the usurpation of the labels of the New Popular Front and Place publique by Zivkovic, recalling that the only candidate officially nominated by the New Popular Front in their constituency is Océane Godard.

Haegy harshly criticizes Zivkovic for what he considers an unjustified and harmful move, citing a previous similar candidacy of hers in the 2022 parliamentary elections. At that time, Zivkovic ran against a left-wing union candidate, a mistake that Haegy considered already harmful but understandable given the different circumstances.

Haegy’s statement denounces Zivkovic’s “numerous falsifications” as disrespect and aggression towards the political family and citizens. He expresses his dismay at this situation, stressing the importance of responsibility in politics and the obligation of honesty towards voters.

David Haegy calls on Sladana Zivkovic to use her intelligence to recognize her mistake and withdraw from the election race, urging her to publicly support Océane Godard. He concludes by emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the potential consequences of Zivkovic’s actions, calling for responsible decision-making before it is too late.

This statement highlights the internal tensions within the New Popular Front and the need for unity and political integrity to maintain the confidence of voters.

David Haegy’s press release dated June 27, 2024:

Letter to Sladana Zivkovic

Before it is too late…

Sladana Zivkovic, you usurp the labels of the New Popular Front and Place publique. The only New Popular Front candidate regularly nominated in our constituency is Océane Godard.

To date, you have not provided any valid evidence to justify your catastrophic approach. Also, I can only understand your candidacy and your determination to maintain it as a particularly serious political mistake.

In the previous legislative elections, in 2022, you had already run against a left-wing union candidate. This was already a damaging mistake for all of us, but the circumstances and the issues were not the same.

Today, you are committing many falsifications and this constitutes a disrespect, even an aggression towards our political family, a contempt for citizens. In fact, in light of current events, I do not even know how to describe your fault.

It’s no longer time to play with fire. Every action has a consequence. Until now, I thought we agreed on the fact that getting involved in politics was a question of responsibility. I even thought that the fact that we were close to the voters of the mainland obliged us to be extremely honest with our fellow citizens. You used to act like that.

Sladana, you are an intelligent woman. It still doesn’t matter how far wrong you went. From now on, you are committing a mistake that will soon be irreparable. Your intelligence should lead you to withdraw immediately and call for a clear and clear vote for Océane Godard.


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