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André-Brouillet college winner of the 2024 Energy-Biodiversity Challenge

At the end of the 2024 Energy-Biodiversity Challenge tests, the 6th grade classese and 3e from the André-Brouillet college in Valence-en-Poitou won, thus landing a day of nature activities at the CPA in Lathus. The Energy-Biodiversity Challenge is co-organized for the tenth year by EDF and the rectorate of the Poitiers academy at the Civaux nuclear power plant.

Participation of more than 300 students

This challenge aims to contribute to learning the principles of electricity production and to show middle school students the richness of the biodiversity surrounding them. This year, more than 300 students participated in this project, which is part of the 6es on biodiversity and 3es on energies. Seven classes of 6e and 3e from the Camille-Claudel colleges in Civray, André-Brouillet in Valence-en-Poitou, Jean-Moulin in Montmorillon, Arthur-Rimbaud in Latillé, René-Cassin in L’Isle-Jourdain, Jean-Moulin in Poitiers and Prosper-Mérimée in Saint-Savin, developed projects on the two themes throughout the year, with the support of the CPIE Val de Gartempe for the biodiversity part and the Civaux power station for the energy part.
On May 3 and June 7, 2024, a “Challenge” day closed the project by bringing together each of the participating colleges on the Civaux power plant site and designated André-Brouillet as the winner.


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