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Narbonne. Two days to celebrate the port and the sea this weekend

the essential
This Friday June 28 and Saturday June 29, for the first time, the City of Narbonne will highlight its maritime heritage, nautical activities, and will work, once again, for the protection of biodiversity and Mare Nostrum. Meet at the port of Narbonne-Plage.

The teams from the Narbonne-Plage marina and the city’s sustainable development department, as well as local associations, are offering activities to raise awareness of the environment and discover water sports for all ages, this Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June from 9:30 a.m. until early evening.

This is the first edition in this format and Claude Lebessou, deputy mayor responsible for ports, the tourist economy and religious relations, has real hopes for its success. “There is an impetus being given. The City and Côte du Midi are working together and are now turning a lot towards the ports. I am delighted because it is a sector that I like. We are working hard on the river port , the same for Nautics which is an institution that has been progressing for a long time, and then Narbonne Plage Great efforts have been made to upgrade, with real support.souligne Claude Lebessou.

Construction work is underway to digitize the port, electrical systems and cabinets, the slipway has been redone with a slope better suited to lowering boats. The port of Narbonne-Plage, which could be considered to have become obsolete, is being modernized. “A lot of work has also been done on the agents and their training. They take their job to heart and are dedicated to the users. This is felt at all levels”adds the elected official.

All this is well worth a first “Port Festival” to highlight its assets. It will take place, therefore, today and tomorrow, and will bring together many partners because it will also be a question of celebrating the oceans. Everything that makes up maritime culture and the preservation of the marine environment will be highlighted and showcased, via introductions to sailing, fishing, diving, water sports, and awareness-raising workshops on the protection of nature and biodiversity. No fewer than 16 structures will be mobilized, whether they are sports associations or environmental stakeholders. With this medium-term goal, hoped for by Claude Lebessou, to instill a nautical culture in the region and to raise awareness among the population about the challenges of preserving the seas and oceans.

The complete program of these days can be consulted on the city’s website:


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