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Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation: The Commitment: Camille Lepage: Tribute

It is hard to believe that ten years have already passed since Camille Lepage was killed. Through this commemoration, we remember his exceptional talent and dedication as a photojournalist, particularly in conflict zones such as the Central African Republic. In 2014, Camille Lepage was awarded the first prize of excellence from the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation, deserved recognition of her work. However, tragically, she did not have the opportunity to receive him in person. A ceremony was organized during the exhibition at Galerie Huit, where Maryvonne Lepage, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz and the mayor of Arles were present to pay tribute to Camille Lepage. Today, as the world continues to face complex realities, we honor Camille Lepage’s commitment, her courage and her determination.

About Camille Lepage
Camille Lepage matured in the shadow of the Château d’Angers, in the warmth of the city walls. But as she enters her adult life, it is a mountain that she has chosen to confront: the silence in which the populations of countries at war struggle, too far from ordinary mortals to move the editorial staff. This 26-year-old journalist had too much empathy to support this media impasse. She chose to cast off and open her eyes wherever her pen and her lens could serve as an offering to forgotten victims. “Putting yourself in people’s shoes, sympathizing with their misfortune but also their happiness, that was Camille’s strength as a photojournalist. She liked to blend in with the crowd, to make contact, despite the language barrier,” says Virginie Nguyen Hoang, who did her internship in the same Egyptian newspaper. Diploma in hand, it was in South Sudan that Camille Lepage put down her backpack in July 2012. In the latest country that she described as “damned”, she defied the ban on approaching the occupiers of the Nouba Mountains to tell their fate, that of innocent people who die of hunger under the bombings.
Anthony Pasco

partners Association Camille Lepage – We are together, Innova Art, SHL

from July 1 to September 29, 2024
Fondation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz
18 rue de la Calade
13200 Arles


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