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Financial support of $3.3 million for the region’s youth

The Quebec government will grant funding of $3,362,886 to the youth employment centers in the counties of Châteauguay, Beauharnois and Huntingdon, in order to support their mission with their clientele.

The funding was announced jointly by the MPs for Châteauguay, Ms. Marie-Belle Gendron, for Beauharnois, Mr. Claude Reid and for Huntingdon, Ms. Carole Mallette on behalf of the Minister responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action ,Mme Chantal Rouleau, on behalf of the Minister of Culture and Communications, Minister responsible for Youth and Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, Mr. Mathieu Lacombe.

First, an amount of $2,885,736 paid by the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity for the years 2024-2027 will support the organization’s mission. In addition, this amount will allow the realization of certain specific activities concerning educational success.

The support of $477,150 from the Ministry of Culture and Communications represents a transitional amount between the 2021-2024 Youth Action Plan and a new youth action plan, which will be made public in 2025.

“This financial support demonstrates the importance for the government to support youth-employment centers in our respective regions. The government is choosing to invest in our young people who want to take charge of themselves in order to ensure a better future,” says Claude Reid, Member of Parliament for Beauharnois.

For her part, the Member of Parliament for Huntingdon, Ms. Carole Malette, emphasizes that the Carrefours jeunesse-emploi improve the living conditions of young adults by supporting them in their socio-professional integration efforts. “I particularly welcome their initiatives such as Vocation en Art which allow young people to promote their talents. This financial assistance will enable the continuation of their precious mission,” she concludes.


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