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In Washington, Youssef Amrani defends Africa against archaic clichés

The Moroccan diplomat stressed that “Africa assumes more than ever a pivotal role and place on the world chessboard, becoming a geopolitical balance maker that not only influences but also determines the international decision-making process.”

Emphasizing the transformation momentum that is taking place across the continent, Youssef Amrani recalled that “this year alone, 19 elections are scheduled on the continent”, demonstrating that “African evolution is taking place in leaps and bounds and in a structuring manner, thus paving the way for changes that will continue to reposition the continent at the center of agendas”.

“Africa is the future,” pleaded the ambassador, highlighting the achievements recorded in the construction of a “coherent, integrated and united” African project, which gradually reflects the renewed political ambitions of a unity African which turns into reality”.

In this sense, “the Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI participates with determination, support and impact, in the strategic enhancement of this transversal emulation which is taking place on the continent, offering nothing less than a new African narrative based on more solidarity, more cooperation and more integration”, underlined the Moroccan diplomat.

Youssef Amrani recalled that “Africa is at the heart of all the Kingdom’s priorities and constitutes a space of projection that Morocco invests with a unequivocal diplomatic conviction: our common future is built together in consultation and the unwavering commitment to serve the primary and broader interest of African citizens.”

He explained in this sense that the Initiative launched by His Majesty the King to promote access of the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean reflects in its quintessence “our deeply rooted ambition for sustainable and inclusive development in Africa”.

This unprecedented initiative will facilitate access for Sahel countries to the Atlantic coast, which will help to stimulate trade and generate investment and employment for the benefit of the continent’s populations.

The Royal Initiative will help strengthen connectivity between regional spaces and groupings, he said, stressing the need to formulate adapted strategies aimed at promoting regional integration.

The ambassador also reviewed the various initiatives launched by Morocco to strengthen cooperation with the rest of the continent, notably the Gas Pipeline between Morocco and Nigeria, believing that the entry into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area will also further strengthen intra-African partnerships.

While recalling that Africa is “in full swing and has the ambition, institutions and tools necessary” to ensure its growth dynamic, Mr. Amrani pleaded in favor of a new impetus to partnership between States. -United and the African continent with a view to taking advantage of Africa’s potential as the continent of the future.

In this context, he noted that strengthening cooperation ties with African countries should not be limited to the governmental level, but should also include all other partners, including civil society and the business world, recalling in this regard the celebration by Morocco and the United States this year of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the free trade agreement, which contributed to improving trade between the two countries.

“Africa has the ambitions and leadership that allow it to establish itself as a distinguished partner of the United States,” assured the ambassador during this session devoted to the theme “Positioning for partnership: African diplomacy in the United States.” United”.

In this sense, he mentioned the crucial role played by African diplomats in promoting the image of their countries among American actors and also in presenting their ambitions and needs in terms of partnerships, based on the common values ​​that these countries share with the United States without abandoning their specificities and identities.

He added that the roles of African diplomatic representations in the United States also include promoting growth and creating employment opportunities in the countries of the continent for the benefit of younger generations, as well as promoting peace and stability in various regions of the continent.

This session was attended by the ambassadors of Tanzania, Ghana, Mali and the African Union, accredited to the United States.

These speakers agreed on the need to adopt strategic approaches that help foster mutually beneficial U.S.-Africa partnerships.

The forum, which is attended by US officials, members of the diplomatic corps, as well as representatives of research centres and the media, focuses on the continent’s role in international cooperation, with the aim of improving partnership opportunities and strengthening regional and continental integration.


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