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Quebec invests $40 million in Umano Médical

Umano Médical has been manufacturing hospital beds and complementary products since its opening in 2012. There is a factory in L’Islet and one in Lévis.

The investment project that the company has already started is estimated at approximately $115 million. Umano Médical wants to increase its research and development efforts in the coming years and increase its production capacity. The company wants to create new products and further diversify its production. This requires the expansion of its two plants, their modernization and the automation of certain sectors. The 31,000 square foot expansion has already begun in L’Islet.

With this investment project, Umano Médical aims to create up to 200 new jobs in its factories.

The Government of Quebec announced its involvement in the project in the form of a loan through the ESSOR program for $20 million. Another $20 million will be invested from Investissement Québec’s own funds. Other financial partners include the Fonds de solidarité FTQ network and Desjardins Capital, which will each invest $10 million. The remaining funds needed to complete this project will be invested by the company Umano Médical.

Life sciences: a field of the future

According to the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, who was in L’Islet for the announcement at Umano Médical, life sciences represent a strategic investment area for Quebec’s economic growth thanks to international business opportunities. Approximately 750 companies in Quebec operate in this field, including Umano Médical. “We want to stimulate private investment, the development of new niches for the future and, above all, the marketing of innovative products. Supporting innovation and facilitating its integration into health and social services systems is essential. The government is taking action to ensure that life sciences expertise is better leveraged and that Quebec is ever more competitive,” added Mr. Fitzgibbon.

Already present in the international market, Umano Médical aims, among other things, to develop new products to continue to stand out in this market where there are several companies much larger than it. “Our products make a big difference in the quality of patient care and help improve the efficiency of nursing staff. […] As in many fields, competition is intense. To make a place for yourself and keep it, it is essential to stand out. This requires innovation, both at the research and development level and at the production level. […] “We are proud of our employees who contribute to our influence around the world. It is wonderful to think that our products, designed with the help of healthcare personnel here in Quebec, can be found in hospitals as far away as Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.”, emphasizes Ghislain Demers, Co-President of Sales, Marketing and Research and Development at Umano Médical.


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