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Gatineau Tramway: an announcement that was more than expected in the region

Marika Gauthier | June 27, 2024

The announcement of funding for the Gatineau tramway studies was eagerly awaited by many in the region.

This is the first time that the federal government has officially committed to the Gatineau tramway project. Last April, when the federal budget was presented, no funding was announced specifically for the tramway.

It is therefore an announcement that was well received by many, notably the new mayor of Gatineau, Maude Marquis-Bissonnette. Remember that, less than a month ago, this issue was close to the mayor’s heart when she was on the electoral campaign. She proclaimed herself the streetcar warrior.

However, the issue of missing funding for Ontario is also causing a reaction. Several stakeholders, however, seem optimistic about future funding from the federal government.,22170858931/tvagatineau&description_url=×480&vpa=click&gdfp_req=1&output=vast&unviewed_position_start=1&env=instream&max_ad_duration=30000&vpos=preroll&vpmute=0&impl=s&ad_rules=1&plcmt=1&correlator=__timestamp__


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