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Meeting in Rabat on preparations for the organization of RGPH-2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 6:09 p.m.

Rabat – A meeting devoted to examining the ongoing preparations for the organization of the General Population and Housing Census (RGPH-2024) was held on Thursday at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, under the presidency of the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Abdelouafi Laftit, and the High Commissioner for Planning, Mr. Ahmed Lahlimi Alami.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the High Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI for the realization of the next general census, contained in the Letter addressed by the Sovereign, may God assist Him, to the Head of Government, on June 20, concerning the preparation of the general census planned throughout the month of September this year, indicates a press release from the Ministry of the Interior.

It was an opportunity to review the High Royal Directives aimed at guaranteeing a rigorous organization of this major national deadline, taking into account the important and multiple data and indicators that it will provide on Moroccan society, which are of interest to the institutions national and international, political, social and economic actors, civil society, Moroccan families and foreign communities residing in Morocco, the same source specifies.

The meeting was also an opportunity to recall the firm determination of His Majesty the King to guarantee the success of the next general census, which the Sovereign wishes to be innovative, through the approach and the technological means to be mobilized for the collection and processing of data, and ambitious through the broadening of the fields of investigation to include current themes enjoying the High Royal solicitude, including the structuring societal project of generalization of social protection.

In addition, the next general census of the population and housing will contribute to the realization of the social project and the deployment of the development model, built on the principles of political democracy, economic efficiency, human development and social and territorial cohesion.

Based on the High Royal Guidelines, all the measures to be implemented were examined in order to promote the full success of this important national deadline, which requires, in addition to the overall mobilization of significant human and logistical resources, broad support and close and effective coordination on the part of all administrations, public establishments and decentralized services, in addition to territorial, regional, provincial and local authorities and communities, notes the Ministry of the Interior.

In this regard, emphasis was placed on the importance of effective coordination between the services of the Ministry of the Interior and the High Commission for Planning, as well as with all government departments in terms of supporting all the preparatory and procedural stages of the general census, the press release continued, stressing the essential role of the walis and governors, alongside the elected councils and the decentralized services of the ministries, in terms of logistical and human support and in determining the manner of their contribution to the realization of the census.

Regarding the current state of preparations, the HCP is working on implementing the necessary measures to mobilize human resources, through the completion of the selection operation of the teams responsible for field missions relating to the collection of data from families, monitoring and supervision, as well as preparations for holding a training session for the benefit of the members of these teams during the months of July and August, in the prospect of collecting and using this data using the technological means deployed by the HCP for the conduct of this major national operation.

This meeting was also an opportunity to recall the content of the Letter addressed by HM King Mohammed VI to the Head of Government, in which the Sovereign calls on citizens to demonstrate total cooperation and active participation to this exercise of general interest by providing reliable and precise information, which will be used in the development of public policies consistent with the interests of the country and in line with the development projects and programs carried out under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty the King , concludes the press release.


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