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Legislative 2024 – “I did not make my choice”: in Marseille, the undecided in the legislative elections

Tic tac, tic tac, The legislative elections are fast approaching. The first round is scheduled for this Sunday, June 30, 2024. We are waiting an exceptionally high participation rate: around 63% according to the latest Ipsos poll for Radio France. If this figure were to be verified this Sunday, it would be a record since 1997. Some voters seem to have had their candidate in mind for a long time, but others are still hesitant. And you: will you go and vote? Have you made your choice?

At the Prado market in Marseille, this Thursday, June 27, 2024, we only talk about the legislative elections, but Joe is not satisfied with any of the candidates : “I haven’t made my choice, we always have to choose between the plague and cholera. They all talk about purchasing power, but in the end, nothing changes, they just know that it’s a good subject that the French want to hear.”

“We’re fed up!”

Others on the contrary know who to vote for. It will be a National Rally for Bénédicte, but that has not always been the case. “In 1981, I voted for François Mitterrand. You can see how we change! We’re fed up, as soon as we go out, we get attacked. When I take public transport, this is no longer possible! Every day there is a problem.”

More For Sarah, the arrival of the RN risks slowing down immigration. “France has always needed foreigners to come and work in their country. I am of Algerian origin, I grew up here. We came in the 1950s. Algeria was French at the time.” Sarah will therefore vote for the New Popular Front on Sunday. As for Marcel, he is a bit in between. “Not all extremes are good, whether it’s left or right. We’ve seen it in the past. It might not be like the past, but it’s not good.”

The union of the right at the top of the Ipsos poll

According to the latest Ipsos poll for Radio France, more than 6 out of 10 French people plan to vote in the next legislative elections. Following the dissolution, 56% of French people say they express a negative feeling. The union of the right (RN, LR, Stand Up France) is given the lead in this poll, with 36% of the votes. The New Popular Front comes in 2nd position (29%).


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