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2024 legislative elections in Val-d’Oise: outgoing Cécile Rilhac in a fragile situation


Daniel Chollet

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 7:47 a.m.

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“I am joining the resistance because I cannot accept that our country falls into the hands of extremist parties,” stressed Cécile Rilhac the day after the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution.

Candidate for re-election, the outgoing MP (Together, presidential majority) of Val-d’Oise is in a fragile situation, which could see it lose its seat.

The former PE teacher and deputy head of a middle school in Seine-Saint-Denis only won by a narrow margin against the environmentalist in 2022. Carine Pelegrin (52.16% versus 47.84%).

“I have always been there,” assures the outgoing MP

On June 9, voters voted around 25% for the National gathering. Scores to be added together Reconquest! Rebellious Francethe PS and the ecologists reach almost 40% in Taverny, almost 36% in Herblay, 48% in Montigny.

Do all left-wing voters find themselves in the New Popular Front ? The outgoing majority is struggling: 12.6% in Taverny, 15.5% in Cormeilles, 13.7% in Herblay.

The challenge for the outgoing MP is therefore to pass the first round, where it is necessary to obtain 12.5% ​​of registered voters. Cécile Rilhac says she heard “the message from the French”.

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She sees in the result of the Europeans

“a protest vote. There is a hatred of President Emmanuel Macron that the voters wanted to punish, to express a deep rage.”

Cécile Rilhac defends her record.

“As a member of parliament, I have always been there. On fibre for example. On everyday issues in general.” But the day after the dissolution, the candidate acknowledged that she was taking a “big leap into the unknown.”

Emmanuel Maurel will represent the New Popular Front. ©DR.

The hopes of the left in this constituency, which has long been right-wing but which elected a left-wing MP in 2012, rest on Emmanuel Maurelinvested by the New Popular Front (NPF).

The former professor of constitutional law at Sciences Po, opposition municipal councilor in Persan from 2001 to 2014, campaigned for a long time within the left wing of the PS, challenging Harlem Désir for the post of First Secretary. Then he broke with the party with the rose, to found with the former minister Marie-Noëlle Lienemann the Republican and Socialist Left (Grs).

“A real dynamic on the ground” according to the left

The former vice-president of the Île-de-France Region and former MEP is making his return to local politics after his failure in the European elections (he was third on the list of Léon Deffontaines’ Communist Party, which had no elected). Emmanuel Maurel says

“I feel a real dynamic on the ground. I see a form of enthusiasm and hope in this left that unites despite its differences. I see former members of the Socialist Party, who had left politics. I see young women who had never been involved in politics getting involved alongside us.”

The Progressives Movement, the former party of Cécile Rilhac, that of the mayor of Montigny-lès-Cormeilles Jean-Noël Carpentier, calls for a “massive” vote for the NFP candidate and to defeat “the outgoing Macronist candidate”.

Kimberley Lelaidier, candidate for the National Rally. ©DR.

RN gives a student a chance

On the far right, the National Rally gives a beginner a chance, Kimberley LelaidierThis 25-year-old student, studying for a Masters degree at a business school, is facing her first election.

Originally from Normandy, who came to the Paris region for her studies, this activist for only a year does not fear confrontation with voters and her adversaries.

“My goal is to be elected. I know the realities on the ground. I am myself an apprentice to finance my studies. I do not come from a wealthy background,” proclaims the candidate. Reconquest! invested Alexandre Simonnot, elected in Taverny for twenty years and former head of the FN 95.

“Maybe we’ll unite later,” slips Kimberley Lelaidier.

“Fed up with the same time” for the right

Laetitia Vincent is invested by Les Républicains. ©DR.

The Republicans will be represented by Laetitia Vincent. The candidate wants to embody

“a courageous, republican and independent right, neither extremist nor Macronist”, who is fed up with it at the same time. Don’t let yourself be fooled again. Mr. Macron’s MP has deceived the voters. She does not share in any way the values ​​of the right and the center.”

Cécile Rilhac admits to having a “center-left, social-democrat, everyday environmentalist” sensibility. Enough to allow him to save his seat? Response Sunday for 1is tour.

Candidates in the 3rd constituency

Cécile Rilhac (Together, presidential majority, outgoing deputy); Alexandre Simonnot (Reconquest!); Kimberley Lelaidier (National Rally); Samira Herbal (Ecologist); Emmanuel Maurel (New Popular Front, Republican and Socialist Left); Juan Munoz (Workers’ Struggle); Daniel Blaser (far left); Laetitia Guébin (Various); Laetitia Vincent (Les Républicains); Samira Belmokhtar (Various left).


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