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Europe 1 served with formal notice for Cyril Hanouna’s show “We’re walking on our heads”

Cyril Hanouna at the helm of the show “On marche sur la tête”, broadcast live on Europe 1, in Paris, June 17, 2024. JACK TRIBECA / BESTIMAGE

The decision will be a landmark. The Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (Arcom) gave Europe 1 formal notice, Thursday June 27, to “to conform, in the future” to the provisions which require it to exhibit “with a constant concern for moderation and honesty in the reports, comments and presentations to which the elections give rise”.

Since the program “On marche sur la tête” was put on the air on June 17, the Arcom services have been attentively listening to it, after being contacted by listeners. And what they heard convinced them that the show did not respect its obligations of moderation and honesty, as stipulated in the 2011 deliberation “relating to the principle of political pluralism during electoral periods”. Exceptionally long, the decision lists a series of extracts which leave no doubt about the absence of “sufficient contradiction” in Cyril Hanouna’s studio.

As early as June 19, the regulator sent a letter to the station reminding it that it had to, among other things, “ensure a plurality of points of view in debate broadcasts bringing together journalists and/or columnists and/or guests”. However, he explains, it appears from his listening reports that « electoral news from La France insoumise and the New Popular Front (…) has been treated in a systematically critical and virulent manner, often in pejorative and outrageous terms”.

“The Popular Front (…) they want chaos”

Thus, on June 18, the host declared: “The Popular Front, in any case, they want chaos. So they are happy as soon as there is chaos.”. Following him, one of the columnists then asserts that with the left coalition, “There will be no limits to Islamo-leftism (…) It will go to the limits of Sharia law (…). They have a triple objective: the destruction of the Republic, the destruction of the country, and the destruction of our civilization.”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers “We walk on our heads”, Cyril Hanouna’s show on Europe 1, a new challenge for Arcom

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Since the start of this week, Rachida Dati (Renaissance), Jordan Bardella (National Rally, RN), Laure Lavalette (RN), Eric Ciotti (Les Républicains, LR), Gérald Darmanin (LR), Thomas Ianz (presidential majority), Aurore Bergé (Renaissance) took turns on the set of the C8 entertainer, against only two representatives of the left, Arthur Delaporte (Socialist Party) and Léon Deffontaines (Communist Party). The first of this political meeting had already displayed an identical imbalance. This did not fail to shock the Authority, which regrets “a largely unequivocal treatment of electoral news”made of “converging remarks”of “strong criticism of La France Insoumise and the New Popular Front, without any other point of view being able to be sufficiently expressed”.

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