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Caen la mer unveils a new development project for the peninsula

Caen the sea changes gearfor the development of the Caen peninsula and more specifically the new basin district. After putting the urban development plan on hold and awaiting the conclusions of a new study in 2027 (study on the future hydraulic functioning of the lower Orne valley and its impacts), the elected representatives of the urban community announced this Thursday, June 27, that a new project will see the light of day by May 2025.

Initially, 2,500 housing units and 35,000 m2 of economic activity were to see the light of day. But last summer, just before the signatures with real estate developers, the urban community put the brakes on because of the GIEG’s forecasts on rising water levels. By 2100, with rising sea levels, nearly a quarter of the Caen Peninsula could end up underwater.. Real estate projects have therefore been stopped. Now, The plan is to develop around 8 hectares of public spaces.including 5 hectares of green spaces, between the Orne and the canal, on this ZAC (concerted development zone) of the new basin, with walks along the quays and a large esplanade.

The urban community presented several sketches of the future space
Caen the sea

A “first step”

This project is much more modest than what was initially planned. It is not an end in itself, explains Emmanuel Renard, Vice-President of Caen la Mer in charge of Spatial Planning areas of concerted and land development.” We want to create quality spaces for walks and activities. This is a first step while awaiting the results of the hydraulic study. We create public spaces where things can happen. There is potential for other activities. We are considering subsequently offering student accommodation, or hotels for example. These will be projects over several decades. We will remain the owner of the land. In any case, it is not an abandoned area. “.

Walks are planned along the quays of the Orne and the canal.
Caen the sea

The objective? To make this peninsula a green space for relaxation and leisure, while preserving traces of the industrial-port past The rails, barrels, cranes, tunnels and pylons still present in the area of ​​the new basin will be preserved and highlighted. Christophe Cozette is an urban planner at the Phitolab agency (company based in Nantes), associated with the project. “It’s important not to forget the past, to deal with it, to use all its particularities. When you are a child and have walked along these quays, you inevitably have the yellow cranes in the back of your mind. You have to keep them. If we removed all these remains, so many Proust madeleines would disappear. We want to emphasize it “.

Project cost : 3.5 million euros . Most of it is devoted to depolluting and renovating soils. This phase will last until mid-October, before planting and the rest of the developments. Everything must be ready by now May 2025 in the perspective of lhosting the Caen Millennium festivities on this peninsula.


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