DayFR Euro

Legislative: can the RN still lose? – Public sense

The lightning campaign for the legislative elections ends in the greatest doubt. According to the polls, no absolute majority has formally emerged. In the upper brackets, the National Rally narrowly misses the absolute majority. Parliamentary and institutional instability threatens the French Republic. In the minds of the govern Today, it’s time for the next move. For the post-first round, the strategy of “neither RN, nor LFI”, slowly but surely gives way to “case by case”. As for the political decisions to be taken the day after July 7, the hypothesis of a “technical government” is gaining ground. The head of state could choose to appoint a consensual Prime Minister. This would choose senior civil servants and experts from civil society without any real political color. A solution which would allow the proper functioning of the State in the event of strong parliamentary instability, moreover in the fragile context of the Olympic Games. Is it the clearing that primarily motivates voters? What state of mind are the French in before one of the most important elections in our history? What could cohabitation with the RN look like, when Marine Le Pen is already calling into question the reserved domain of the head of state? We debate it with Anne-Charlène Bezzina, lecturer in public law and constitutionalist, Laure Salvaing, general director of Verian Public France studies, and Jean Garrigues, historian, president of the International Commission on the History of Assemblies.

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