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[Appel à projet] Malakoff Humanis is mobilizing in favor of access to supportive care for cancer patients

Because cancer care is not limited to the treatment of the disease, Malakoff Humanis is committed to providing access to supportive care: pain management, nutrition, psychological support, professional support, physical activity, palliative care …. This care takes care of the consequences of the illness and treatments, during and after the illness. While its aim is to ensure the best possible quality of life for sick people and their loved ones, supportive care also makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatments and the chances of recovery.

« Supportive care in oncology is an integral part of the care pathway and is neither secondary nor optional. It contributes to reducing post-therapeutic after-effects, increasing survival, optimizing social life and returning to work. The number and quality of the projects we have received demonstrate the importance given to this subject, a real public health issue. “, says Pascal Andrieux, Director of Social Engagement and Patronage of the Human Malakoff.

230 projects presented, 6 winners

The files presented were examined by a scientific committee also serving as a jury and composed of 4 members: Ivan Krakowski, past-president of AFSOS, medical oncologist; Florian Scotté, president of MASCCmedical oncologist, Gustave Roussy; Isabelle Huet, general director of RoseUp Association; Marion Barrault, clinical psychologist, Bergonié Institute.

The 6 winning projects were selected for their ability to:

  • Provide access to supportive care to particularly vulnerable and/or isolated populations: young people, elderly people or people in exile.
  • Enable patients to tolerate and better respond to treatments, particularly by containing malnutrition.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of certain non-pharmacological practices (INM) for which proof of effectiveness has not yet been established: photobiomodulation (light therapy) to treat toxicity induced by chemotherapy, or therapeutic virtual reality to improve the management of anxiety and pain.
  • The HOPAYA project of the Léon Bérard Cancer Center

Creation of a multidisciplinary day hospitalization including at least psychological, social and medical support intended for adolescents and young adults in remission

The objective of this program is to improve the quality of life of patients in the first year post-treatment and to prevent educational, professional and/or social disintegration. This project will be the subject of an impact assessment study.

  • The ONCO-NUTRIBIOTA project of the HCL Foundation (Hospices Civils de Lyon)

Project to develop personalized foods for patients undergoing cancer treatment, taking into account the impact of chemotherapy and patients’ microbiota

The objective of this project is to improve eating comfort and prevent malnutrition in cancer. The food products developed will be evaluated in a clinical trial.

  • COMEDE (Committee for the Health of Exiles)

Personalization of the COMEDE association’s mission of access to care for the situations of exiles suffering from cancer through:

  • Referral to support structures,
  • Support in the process of accessing care and rights,
  • Support for an asylum application or for obtaining a residence permit for care.
  • The Neuro Tox PBM (photobiomodulation) project at the Valenciennes Hospital Center

Study of the qualitative impact of the use of non-ionizing light therapy to treat chemotherapy-induced toxicity (chemo-induced neuropathies, neurocognitive disorders, digestive disorders) in the treatment of breast cancer

The aim is to avoid the impact of these disorders on treatment (therapeutic breaks, reduction of doses, stopping of treatments).

  • The Lumeen project by Lumeen SAS in co-construction with the Léon Bérard center

Adaptation of a therapeutic virtual reality program to the needs of cancer patients in curative and palliative care

This device is intended to help patients manage treatment-related anxiety and pain during painful or anxiety-provoking care.

  • The PréHab’O project by the CHU of La Réunion

Project to create a pre-habilitation program (nutritional, physical and psychological) intended for people over 65 years of age who are geographically isolated (people residing in isolated mountainous areas of Reunion Island)

The objective of this program is to bring first aid to patients in order to make them capable of receiving major intervention and treatment.

Since 2018, Malakoff Humanis has made the fight against cancer one of the priorities of its societal commitment. Research work on the care and improvement of the quality of life of patients is one of the objects of the support provided by the Group. The call for projects Supportive care in oncologylaunched by Malakoff Humanis in November 2023, is part of this perspective.



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