DayFR Euro

Pays de Grasse: home employment, “key sector of the territory”

It was on Thursday, before the community council, that the elected representatives of the CAPG and the representatives of the Fepem (1) joined forces around a partnership agreement.

The objective is clear: support home employment, “a key sector for the territory”, assures the president Jérôme Viaud, with figures to back him up. Indeed, the sector meets the needs of 4,779 private employers in the Pays de Grasse, declaring more than two million hours and paying a net wage bill of 15.6 million euros.

Life assistant, caretaker, family employee, secretary or private teacher, maintenance worker, childcare, school support, IT support… There is no shortage of home employment professions.

Five “France Emploi Domicile” access points

It is now necessary to put in place “concrete measures to inform and connect private employers and employees.” And thus bring this little one to life “organized civil society.”

Before the establishment, in the long term, of a shared animation program and communication plan, it is a question of setting up “France Emploi Domicile” access points. Five have already been identified: the Espaces Activités Emploi (EAE) of Mouans-Sartoux and Pégomas, the France Services of Monts d’Azur (Saint-Auban), Aspres (Grasse) and Pégomas. “resource places” open to future private employers, retirees from the sector, future employees, carers, job seekers, etc.

“Our sector contributes to local economic dynamism, social ties and provides a response to essential living needsdevelops Nadine Pradier, president of Fepem PACA Corsica. This partnership reflects a desire to support local residents in their daily lives, at all ages.”

1. Federation of private employers of France.


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