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“It’s a strong sign”: these 3 former club members will travel 20,000 kilometers to support Toulouse!


Clement Mazella

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 7:09 p.m.

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Once again, Toulouse is in the final. Since he has been in charge of the Red and Black, Ugo Mola will play his 6e at the head of an exceptional generation and who has never known defeat at this stage of the competition. Simply mind-blowing.

But don’t believe the Toulouse residents are tired: they are still thirsty for titles and intend to mark the history of their club. And more broadly, that of their sport. If Antoine Dupont’s teammates shine on the pitch, manager Ugo Mola was keen to emphasize the fabulous friendship present within his group, capital in the titles won.

3 former Toulousains in support

Proof of this royal understanding: 3 former members of the club, who have played with the current squad, will make very long trips to join the group, support it and attend the final against Bordeaux-Bègles on Friday June 28 in Marseille (9:05 p.m.).

« Charlie Builder crossed the planet to join us on Wednesday evening and spend a few days with us. Rynhard Elstadt also made a good trip to support us. Not to mention Rory Arnold coming from Japan,” revealed Ugo Mola.

“A strong signal”

This presence is not insignificant for Ugo Mola. This demonstrates what Toulouse has been building for many years, and which began with the title of French champion won in 2019:

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What we have achieved with this group is that they are connected and attached, it is even fusional. They want to spend time together. These final phases allow us to do that. It is spending time with great guys, boys who have incredible karma, and who want to spend time together. Traveling 20,000 kilometers to see yet another rugby match when you have done that all your life, I think that is a strong sign.

Ugo Line
Manager of Toulouse

It remains to be seen whether Faumuina, Elstadt and Arnold will bring luck to Toulouse, in search of a 23rd Brennus shield.

Clément MAZELLA, special envoy to Marseille

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