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a xenophobic evening banned by the mayor of Rouen

The PS mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol announced this Thursday that he had issued an order banning the xenophobic evening “Foreigners outside” planned for Friday evening in an identity bar in the city.

“I made the decision to ban this event, hatred, xenophobia, racism have no place either in Rouen or in the Republic,” declared Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol. “There is an obvious risk of disturbing public order for which I am responsible as mayor,” he added, “it is a far-right demonstration, that is its face, which could what would happen tomorrow if the extreme right were in power everywhere in France, that’s not what the republic is.”

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” Foreigners out “

“The evening entitled ”Ausländer Raus” [Les étrangers dehors, en allemand, NDLR] organized by the bar Le Mora in Rouen on June 28 is prohibited,” we can read in this decree. This Nazi slogan went viral after being hijacked by young people who sang it to the techno tune of “L’Amour toujours”, by DJ Gigi d’Agostino, sometimes embellished with Nazi salutes as we can see in certain videos.

“The explicit reference to a Nazi slogan (Ausländer Raus) and its publication on an open social network” contravenes “the law of July 13, 1990 prohibiting all discrimination”, it is mentioned in the decree. After a report to the Rouen prosecutor, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol sent a letter on Monday to the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin asking him to dissolve the association organizing this evening and ban the song.

Questioned this Thursday, the Ministry of the Interior indicated that it did not “wish to make any comment”. On Tuesday, the Movement against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP) filed a complaint for discrimination with the Rouen public prosecutor’s office, which remains silent on this matter, against the officials of the association managing the bar.

Ultra-right clientele

The association bar, accessible to holders of a membership card, is “identified as frequented by an ultra-right clientele, there is no doubt that the disputed evening is reserved for the French”, according to the MRAP. The association, which describes the poster for the evening as “abject”, specifies that the invitation bears the words “White boys Summer, Hawaiian shirt required”.

“An outfit which can refer to the “Boogaloo Bois”, specifies the MRAP, “American extremists who advocate civil war in the United States, recognizable by their flowered shirts”. A petition from the website entitled “Closure of the Neo-Nazi bar ”Le mora” in Rouen” gathered more than 1,700 signatures on Thursday morning.


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