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A pastel by Marie-Gabrielle Capet preempted by Orléans

27/6/24 – Acquisition – Orléans, Museum of Fine Arts – In perfect condition, of very high quality and what is more the work of a woman artist, the presumed portrait of Sophie Thuillier by Marie-Gabrielle Capet, which was on sale last Friday at the Hôtel Drouot at Crait+ Müller, seemed to estimate very low, at only €3,000-5,000. However, it was sold for even less, €2,8,000 hammer, and immediately preempted by the Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans, which thus enriched itself for a derisory price with a remarkable pastel which completes its reference collection in the field. .

Marie-Gabrielle Capet (1761-1818)

Alleged portrait of Sophie Thuillier

Pastel – 82 x 62,5 cm

Preempted by the Museum of Fine Arts of Orléans

Photo : Crait+Müller

See the image in its…

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