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A park for staff and users of Saint-Georges Hospital

CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches

The Saint-Georges Hospital park was inaugurated this Thursday to pay tribute to all health personnel and to offer a relaxation space to users and their families.

In this place we find benches, tables and games for children. Trees will also be planted to create shaded areas in the park.

This project is an idea from Catherine Déry, pediatrician. “ The idea for this park came about during the COVID-19 lockdown when everyone was stuck in their offices eating dinner alone. (…) Inspired by my colleague Pierre Poulin (…) I wanted to do a project that could meet the needs of children, but also of health personnel. »

The Beauce-Etchemin Health Foundation, represented by Manon Veilleux, contributed $350,000 to this project worth approximately one million dollars. Note also the contribution of $50,000 from 24 DH St-Georges Ford which was used to purchase games for children.

The work has been carried out in three phases since July 2022. First, infrastructure operations had to be carried out. Subsequently, the development of the playground was carried out during the year 2023. Recently, a new staircase was installed on the emergency and outpatient consultation side to allow employees of these sectors to access to the park more easily.

Carole Deschênes, Executive Director Local Service Networks of Beauce and Etchemins for the CISSS of Chaudière-Appalaches

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