DayFR Euro

Biard in the air scans the sky of Vienne

The 2023 edition of Biard dans l’air, under radiant sunshine, was marked by a record attendance, with 2,500 spectators counted over the two days of the festival. What will happen to the 17e edition, which is looming this weekend?

One thing is certain, if this Friday June 28 promises to be sunny, the volunteers had a few scares when they saw the weather forecast for Saturday. Thunderstorms and showers being forecast for June 29, a meeting was organized on Thursday evening to consider organizational changes.

Ska, rock et cumbia au menu

Finally, the program remains almost unchanged, but the Saturday shows and concerts will take place in the Salle Guillaume-d’Aquitaine, while sheds will be installed outside in the event of rain. “We have planned everything to welcome festival-goers in the best conditions, slips Gilles Morin, one of the 24 co-presidents of the organizing association of the Biard festival. As usual, we will be on a popular, festive and dancing program. We will open the festival with The Streetalites, a Poitevin ska and rock steady fanfare. They will be followed by Madame Oscar, a group from Cholet with seven former members of Ramsès and Santa Macaïro Orkestar. The Montpellier natives of Que Tengo will close the evening with their Caribbean cumbia. They are coming back from a tour in Cuba! »

On Saturday, the festivities will resume at 2 p.m., with the restitution, by the children of the Biard elementary school, of the artistic workshops led by the actress Isabelle Bouhet, from the Trace company, during the school year. She will then present, with Christian Compagnon, the show Pani little girl from Greenland. Other show for young audiences: Taamaba the great journey, by Toma Sidibé. It will be followed by a concert by the Symphonie music school brass band.

In the evening, it’s time for concerts with – like the day before – beautiful people on stage. The seven Touraine musicians from La Fanfare saugrenue will open the ball from 7 p.m. Poitevin bluesman Cyril Maguy will take over with his “fuel band” of five musicians. Finally, the five Rennais from the Hop Hop Hop Crew group will distill their cocktail of current music and Balkan melodies. “These are festive and dancing groups, notes Antoine Beau, stage manager on Biard dans l’air. This is the DNA of the festival!”

As for decoration, festival-goers will be invited to paint slogans around the theme of music, on panels made available to them. And, for the stomach and the throat, the 140 volunteers involved will, as usual, go out of their way to offer quality, local catering, while serving local craft beers.

Friday June 28, from 7 p.m., and Saturday 29, from 2 p.m., next to the Guillaume-d’Aquitaine room, rue des Écoles, in Biard. Free entry.


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