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Why did the police and special forces intervene on rue Émile Carlier in Blaton at the crack of dawn on Monday 27 June?

Seeing the police arrive on a Monday morning, around 6am, with machine guns in hand, and hearing the buzzing of a drone flying over the neighbourhood, is very impressive and it doesn’t take much for some internet users’ imaginations to get going and give their explanation of the situation. Some mentioned the number of a good fifty men on the ground and witnesses reportedly saw some of them setting up ladders on the façade of a house.

Residents also claim to have heard gunshots in this street during the previous night.

Police officers and members of the special forces descended in numbers this Monday, early in the morning, on rue Émile Carlier, in Blaton. ©Com.

This Monday, the neighborhood was completely sealed off and no one was able to move around while the operations were underway. An electrician who was supposed to go to a customer’s house suffered the consequences and was forced to turn back until further notice.

The Mons-Tournai public prosecutor’s office gave further explanations on the situation at the end of the morning: “At 5:05 a.m., an argument broke out in a house in Blaton. Gunshots are heard. Contacted by the neighborhood, the police intervened. She calls on DSUs (special units) because a person is holed up in their home. Finally, at 7:55 a.m., the author was arrested by the police. No injuries were reported. The author must still be heard (possibly today) but we do not know if he is able to speak (under the influence of alcohol or otherwise).”said the spokesperson.

A raid by the police on rue Émile Carlier is not really a first, knowing that it is precisely in the latter that trafficking in hard drugs was discovered a few years ago. A case which, by chance of the calendar, was just mentioned in recent days before the Tournai criminal court.


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