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convicted of raping her daughter

A 26-year-old woman appeared on June 19 to answer charges of having violated her daughter since her birth, May 29, 2021, until December 20, 2023, in Blois.

Initially, on December 18, the child’s father went to the police station to file a complaint. He explained that he and his partner had been separated since September and that she refused to entrust their daughter to him, but that every time he passed them, he noticed that she had scratches and bruises on her face.

Two days later, on December 20, the man presented himself at the police station again to complete his complaint. He explained that, this time, his ex-partner had agreed to entrust the child to him and that he had noticed, on the little girl’s body, bruises and bite marks on her thighs. Examined by the medical-judicial unit, the child presented around ten lesions causing “ suspect the intervention of a third party » and justifying 3 days of total incapacity for work (ITT).

Bite marks

« I have never been violent with my daughter “, the young mother kept hammering home at the bar, explaining that ” like all children “, the little one could hurt herself with her toys, bump herself, scratch herself and fall. However, nothing explained the bite marks.

« You have evidence that proves that this little girl did not hurt herself “, replied the representative of the public prosecutor, Stéphanie Clément-Bornet, mentioning the medical examination, photos of injuries, the discordant statements of the mother and her explanations, ” which cannot be consistent with the doctor’s findings “. Considering the young woman’s lack of criminal record, she requested a 3-month suspended prison sentence.

In defense, Me Sandrine Audeval considered, on the contrary, that there was no objective evidence to suggest that her client had been violent.

After deliberating, the court acquitted the defendant for the period from May 29, 2021 to August 31, 2023, but found her guilty of the rest and sentenced her to 4 months in prison. She will also have to repair the moral damage of the father, defended by Me Samira Benmerzoug, in the amount of €300 and paid to her daughter, represented by Me Laurence Grenouilloux, damages, the amount of which will be determined later.

In case of emergency: call 17 or 112 from a cell phone, 39.19 for women, 119 for children and adolescents, 114 by SMS. Victims can also report discreetly to pharmacies. Help number for those who commit snitch “I stop being violent”:


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