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Olympic Games: the House of Kenya sets down its suitcases in the town of Miramas

Between the presence of three secretaries of state of the Kenyan government and their delegation, the elected officials of Miramas, the Region and the Department, without forgetting the team from the tourist office, the city’s athletics club, artists and even the director of the Nairobi National Museum… We almost had to push the walls on Wednesday June 26 as the crowds were so large on Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle for the inauguration of the Kenya House in the premises of the new Maison du Miramas tourism.

It must be said that the upcoming meeting promises to be grandiose: from July 5 to 22, nearly a hundred Kenyan athletes and coaches will set up their base camp in Miramas to prepare for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Also for To mark the occasion, the town hall wanted to go well beyond the simple reception of athletes by offering a major cultural and artistic journey in the city all summer long (read below), in dialogue with the Maison du Kenya in Paris, installed in the Marais during the Olympics.

A cultural and sporting showcase of Kenya

So starting with this new ephemeral concept store, designed as a showcase for the treasures of the East African country where visitors can come and admire traditional costumes, an exhibition-sale of crafts (jewelry, bags, accessories, baskets) from Nairobi designers, a stand dedicated to music or even a virtual reality terminal to immerse themselves in the heart of the Kenyan capital. The public will also be able to discover an exhibition retracing the bonds of friendship woven around sport between the country and Miramas. A story that, let us recall, began in 2014, when Miramasséen Daniel Chirchir, originally from Kenya, asked the Athletic-club of Miramas for permission to use the athletics track for the training of two high-level Kenyan athletes… What a journey since then!


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