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Mob’Europe project: nine young people testify with satisfaction about their internship abroad

On Tuesday, June 25, the Department and members of the Gwennili association invited nine young people to come and give their testimony after the internship they completed abroad, as part of the “Mob’Europe 5” project.

Led by the Gwennili association, in partnership with the local missions of Finistère and the Youth Information Office (BIJ) of Brest, this Mob’Europe system is co-financed by the Erasmus + program and by the departmental council. This project offers young job seekers, aged 18 to 25, supported by local missions, the opportunity to complete an internship in a European Union country. To support these young people, the Department paid a grant of €20,525 to the Gwennili association for 2024.

I was able to observe the methods of animation and education implemented in a structure comparable to our MJC and compare them to our French system

Additional wealth

They are all delighted with this professional internship which they completed for two months in Ireland, Spain, Germany and Portugal. This is the case of Thomas, 21, who returns from Berlin, visibly delighted with the internship carried out in a youth center. “I was able to observe the methods of animation and education put in place in a structure comparable to our MJC and compare them to our French system.” This young man, already very tempted by the animation profession, sees in this experience an additional wealth to practice this profession which he particularly likes.

A confirmation for Joséphine

In a completely different field, Joséphine, 21, from Morlaix, who failed the specialist educator competition last fall, did her internship in Portugal, in a center welcoming people with mental disabilities. This experience allowed him to affirm that this professional path was truly his and that he had to retry the competition to access this educator training.


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